How to Advertise on Walmart Marketplace and Improve Your Traffic

a hand holding a phone with walmart logo on the screen, against a backdrop of walmart product listings

Last updated on July 27th, 2023

Written by Mohamed Aden

Are you a beginner Walmart marketplace seller? Walmart has fewer third-party sellers than Amazon. But this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t worry about competition: after all, you probably have a low chance of being discovered by shoppers if you are a new seller.

Consider utilizing Walmart marketplace advertising to attract more attention to your product listings and storefront. In this blog post, you will learn how to advertise on Walmart marketplace so you can reach more potential customers and improve traffic to your listings.

What Is Walmart Online Advertising? 

Walmart is one of the largest and most well-known retailers in the world. While it offers various products, its main focus is on providing low-cost goods to its customers, reflected in its marketing strategy, “Every Day Low Prices” (EDLP).

But because Walmart customers are constantly looking for cheap deals, it’s difficult for new sellers to get noticed in the marketplace. This is where utilizing other available marketing strategies, such as running paid ads, is helpful. 

Fortunately, Walmart offers various digital advertising solutions, specifically Walmart Advertising, that can benefit its third-party sellers. Walmart Advertising is a pay-per-click (PPC) advertising model in which the advertisers—in this case, the sellers—pay a fee every time a user clicks on one of their campaign ads. 

Using Walmart Advertising, you can promote your brand and products within and outside the Walmart marketplace. 

Types of Walmart Online Ads

Walmart Connect, formerly known as Walmart Media Group, is the advertising division of the retail giant. It provides advertisers like you with several advertising options. Below are the types of Walmart ads you can use for Walmart Advertising. 

1. Walmart Sponsored Products Campaign

a screenshot showing the boxed portion as an example of walmart sponsored product ads

This type of Walmart Advertising campaign is placed within the Walmart marketplace. Customers can easily see these ads while browsing the website or app (as products displayed in the grid). 

Walmart Sponsored Products can be found in the grid of the search results alongside other non-sponsored products. Additionally, Sponsored Products appear on category pages and product or item pages

2. Walmart Display Ads

a screenshot showing the encircled search query “dog blanket” and an arrow pointing to a pet food product, illustrating walmart display ads

This type of ad encourages customers to buy on the Walmart marketplace by displaying ads across Walmart’s online platforms and other websites. These locations include, the Walmart mobile app, and third-party websites. 

Display ads target customers who have previously shown interest in one of the products on Walmart or have previously purchased something on the platform. 

3. Search Brand Amplifier

a screenshot showing an arrow pointing to the products of blue buffalo pet food brand, illustrating walmart search brand amplifier

Search Brand Amplifier is a Walmart Search ad highlighting your brand and a curated portfolio of products to customers actively searching Walmart’s website and app. 

4. Buy Box Banner

a screenshot showing the search query “coke” and an arrow pointing to a product of pepsi under the product detail page, illustrating the buy box banner

Buy Box ads are available for automatic and manual campaigns. These ads can be found on product detail pages for complementary products or as an alternative to the items customers view. 

Why Should You Use Walmart Online Ads?

a graphic showing reasons to advertise on Walmart, from upper right to bottom: It’s a retail giant.; Competition is more manageable than Amazon.; It has various types of ads.

Now that you know what Walmart Advertising is and the types of ads you can use, you might wonder if it’s worth investing your resources in this marketing strategy. Check out some of the reasons for investing in Walmart Advertising.

1. Walmart Is a Retail Giant

Even though Walmart is popular for its physical stores, the total visits to its online marketplace peaked at 542 million in November 2022. This is a huge opportunity to reach more customers and drive more sales to your products. 

2. Competition on Walmart Is Manageable

Walmart has fewer marketplace sellers than Amazon. Walmart has only 150,000 sellers, compared to Amazon's 2 million. With fewer businesses competing for customers’ attention and views, you can increase your sales and lower ad spend.

3. Walmart Offers Various Ads

There are various types of ads that you can use to boost your Walmart online sales and products. With different options available, you can diversify your advertising strategies to get customers’ attention. 

Tips on Using Walmart Online Ads To Help Increase Traffic

Now that you know the benefits of investing in Walmart Advertising, are you ready to start your journey as an advertiser? If you are interested in running Walmart ads online to improve your traffic, familiarize yourself with some best practices first. 

Here are a few tips to help you get started and make the most out of Walmart ads.

1. Choose the Right Type of Ad 

As mentioned above, Walmart offers several different types of ads, so choosing the one that best fits your needs and goals is crucial. For example, if you want to increase your brand awareness among Walmart customers, you should use Search Brand Amplifier ads. If you’re unsure of which one is right for you, try testing out a few options to see which type of ad drives more sales. 

But if you don’t want to experiment and possibly spend more on your Walmart marketplace advertising costs, consider hiring PPC specialists instead. A PPC specialist can help you in doing keyword research, spending your ad budget wisely, building ad campaign strategies, and more.

2. Bid on the Right Keywords

When choosing keywords for your ad, select the ones relevant to your brand and product. Using too many broad or unrelated keywords will hurt your chances of being seen by potential customers and result in higher advertising costs. 

Use reliable keyword research tools, such as and Ahrefs, to know the best keywords for your PPC ads. Alternatively, you can also rely on professionals to help you develop a list of high-ranking keywords

3. Target the Right Audience

Take advantage of Walmart Advertising targeting options to reach your target audience directly. If you specialize in products for children, target your ads to display on pages that are frequently visited by parents with young kids. This way, you'll get better visibility and higher chances of influencing their purchasing decisions. 

4. Create Compelling and Informative Copy

a screenshot of a walmart online ad with an encircled ad copy and an arrow pointing to its call-to-action

Your ad should give visitors a reason to click through to your store. Therefore, you must ensure that your ad copy is well-written and provides useful information. This way, they will be enticed to look at your listing and eventually purchase your products. 

Here are some quick tips in writing good ad copy: 

  • Focus on your product's biggest benefit for consumers. 
  • Include emotional triggers. 
  • Write your ad copy as brief as you can. 
  • Avoid using language that pressures the customer.
  • Use a clear call-to-action. 

5. Use Eye-Catching Images

Enhance the visibility of your Walmart ads by using high-quality product photos. Here are some points to remember before uploading a product image: 

  • Use high-resolution photos. 
  • Use proper lighting to ensure the product can be seen clearly. 
  • Get photos of your product in action. 

If you’re not very adept at photography, hiring professional ecommerce photographers for your product photos can help. Not only do they know how to take flattering images, but they also know Walmart’s guidelines on product photos. 

6. Monitor Your Results

Regularly monitor your ads via Walmart Advertising to gauge their performance and audience response. Compare the product you advertised with a similar non-advertised product and notice if there are any sales trends across both products. 

This enables you to make necessary adjustments to keywords, ad budget, and other parameters. 

Key Takeaway

Making your listings and storefront stand out is crucial in running an ecommerce business. And being more visible within and outside the Walmart marketplace is possible for third-party sellers with Walmart’s features. 

If you want to go the extra mile in growing your Walmart marketplace business, consider hiring full account management services from a reputable agency like Seller Interactive. 
Besides PPC ads, we can help you in other aspects of your business, including product listing optimization, product launch, and brand protection. Contact us today!

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