Himanshi Raj

Himanshi Raj is the General Manager of Operations at Seller Interactive, where she oversees day-to-day operations. With over 12 years of experience in client management and eCommerce, Himanshi has proven skills in managing teams and achieving business goals. She holds a Bachelor of Journalism and Mass Communication degree from Amity School of Communication and certifications in Social Media Marketing and Digital Marketing. In her free time, she enjoys traveling and trying new cuisines. LinkedIn Twitter
Amazon Seller Names: Essential Guide for Choosing a Winning Identity

In a bustling marketplace like Amazon, every aspect of your online presence matters, and thoughtfully chosen Amazon seller names can be one of the first steps toward building a solid brand.

However, coming up with an Amazon seller name is considered trivial for most sellers. They put more weight on their product's brand than their business name, unaware that seller names also indirectly strengthen a shopper's awareness and trust.

It's about time we take into consideration your Amazon seller name. Let's explore it further and give you tips on coming up with Amazon seller name ideas to get your creative juices flowing so you can grab your shoppers' attention and resonate with your target audience.

What Should I Put for My Amazon Seller Name?

Something unique and resonates with your vision. Your Amazon seller name must be something that you find fitting for your business. Create a short list of names. Afterward, you can run them by certain criteria such as relevance, creativity, and professionalism. We will discuss these criteria further in this article.

Understanding Amazon Seller Names

To ensure a successful business on Amazon, sellers must have a distinct and memorable name that sets them apart from the competition. A well-thought-out name can also convey the essence of a seller's product offerings and brand identity, facilitating recognition and trust among potential customers.

Importance of a Suitable Name

An Amazon seller name, also referred to as a store name or a display name, is a crucial aspect of establishing an Amazon store. A well-thought-out seller name can help a business stand out among other sellers and create a lasting impression on potential customers.

A unique and engaging seller name can increase customers' trust and make them more likely to buy from that store. It helps business owners establish their presence on the platform and enhances the overall shopping experience by making it easy for customers to remember and search for their favorite stores.

Seller Names vs. Brand Names vs. Business Names

It is worth noting the distinction between Amazon seller names and brand names. While a seller name labels the online store and gives the seller's business an identity in the marketplace, a brand name is associated with specific products and lines within that business.

A company may have multiple brands listed under a single seller name, each representing a unique product line. This allows sellers to market their products and services to demonstrate value and differentiate them between brands owned by the same seller or another competitor.

A business name is something you use when you want to do legal commerce, be it physical or virtual. Your business name is tied to legal documents that the state and/or government entities recognize for tax purposes. It's also what you'll need to provide Amazon during account creation.

It's important to note that while seller, brand, and business names have different purposes, they can all have the same name, subject to the owners' decision.

Dos When Creating an Amazon Seller Name

Business owners must invest time and effort in selecting meaningful seller names, ensuring they resonate with their business's purpose and target market.

Creating an Amazon seller name may follow the same principles as creating a brand name. In general, you have to consider their purpose and the message they convey. Consider these tips when choosing a suitable seller name to ensure it will contribute to your long-term success on Amazon.

An infographic showing tips when creating an Amazon seller name: Make it stick, make it easy to pronounce, keep customers in mind, consider your business’s values.

Make It Stick

Creating a business name that sticks is essential to build brand recognition and stand out from competitors. A catchy and unique name can leave a lasting impression on online shoppers, making them more likely to visit your online store again. Consider brainstorming Amazon store name ideas that use:

  • Alliteration
  • Rhyme
  • Wordplay

A rhythmic name can help for easy recall.

Make It Easy to Pronounce

Choose an easy-to-pronounce business name for an effortless name that rolls off the tongue. This will enhance your brand recognition and make it easier for potential customers to refer and recommend your online store to others.

Test out different Amazon business name ideas to ensure they sound clear and don't cause confusion. Remember that word-of-mouth advertising is also essential for online businesses.

Keep Potential Customers in Mind

Your Amazon seller name should also consider your target audience for your store to connect to those who want to buy your products. Think about what you offer and how your Amazon store name can reflect the needs and interests of your customers. Consider their preferences, tastes, and demographics at the forefront when brainstorming business names.

For example, if you are a business that sells adventure gear, your product appeals to adults ages 20-35 who love the great outdoors and go on hiking or camping trips when out of the office. Consider a name that appeals to these potential customers.

Some examples of the popular company names are:

  • Summit Outfitters
  • The North Face
  • Sea to Summit
  • Peak Pursuits Gear

Consider Your Business’s Values

An impactful Amazon seller name should reflect your unique products and convey the values behind your brand. Make sure to incorporate your business's core principles and ethos into your Amazon brand name to create a meaningful connection with your audience.

By representing your business's values in your name, you can show trustworthiness and turn buyers into loyal customers.

Check Amazon Seller Name Availability

Before finalizing a name for your Amazon seller account, check its availability first to ensure that the name hasn't been used by another seller or registered as a trademark. This can be done through Amazon's search tool and trademark databases.

The selected Amazon seller name should have the following attributes:

  • Unique: The name shouldn't overlap with any existing Amazon store names. It should stand out among the competition.
  • Professional: Always consider professionalism when thinking about a seller’s name. You may choose to combine it with something witty or creative.

Balancing Professionalism and Creativity

Ensure that the creative ideas translate into a name that's both creative and professional.A professional name is essential, as it inspires trust in potential customers. Shoppers associate professional names with quality products and excellent customer service. Moreover, it can encourage buyers to engage with the seller.

When brainstorming creative ideas, consider incorporating elements that reflect the nature of the products sold. Avoid generic names that lack personality, as they tend to be forgettable and can get lost in the vast array of names on the marketplace.

A creative touch to a professional name is impactful, but it's critical not to let creativity push the boundaries too far. While a highly imaginative name may impress some buyers, it could alienate others. Striking the right balance between creative and professional is key to developing a name that appeals to a broad customer base.

Don’ts in Creating Amazon Seller Names

When creating an Amazon seller name, there are certain elements that you should avoid to maintain a professional image and not violate Amazon's guidelines. Here are some of them.

four things sellers must not do when creating Amazon seller names

Negative Wording

Refrain from using negative words in your seller’s name. This includes any words considered offensive, discriminatory, or inappropriate. Using such language can be a challenge for SEO and PPC strategies as they can drive away potential customers and may lead to account suspension.

Generic Names

Avoid generic names when choosing your Amazon seller name. A name is considered generic if it is too common. It may also be characterized by not having a trademark. These names can make it difficult for customers to remember and distinguish your store from competitors.


Punctuation marks should be used sparingly in Amazon seller names, as they can make it difficult for customers to search and find your store. Stick to alphanumeric characters and spaces, as these are universally recognized and easily read.

Speaking of characters, ensure that your Amazon seller name only consists of accepted American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII), which are numeric inputs to your keyboard that represent unique characters. Uncommon characters or symbols may not be displayed correctly on all devices, potentially causing confusion and making it harder for customers to find your store.

Copying Other Seller’s Names

Avoid copying other sellers' names or closely imitating well-known brands. This practice misleads customers and puts you at risk for trademark infringement, potential legal consequences, and possible Amazon account deactivation or suspension. Creating an original name that reflects your business's products, services, and values while still adhering to Amazon's guidelines is important.

Examples of Successful Amazon Seller Names

In this section, ee will look at some examples of notable Amazon seller names in this section. These examples showcase the importance of crafting a unique and effective Amazon seller name. By strategically crafting a seller name based on tried principles, you can better position your store for success and recognition.


Theattern is a prime example of a successful Amazon seller who has built a well-established brand online. As per Marketplace Pulse, they rank number one on reviews in Amazon's US marketplace sellers.  Their name conveys order and security often associated with patterns. Their business helps brands access millions of consumers and facilitates the selling process.

Pattern's former name is also an excellent example of putting your business's values front and center for everyone to see. Known formerly as iServe, the seller's name is self-explanatory. Pattern's former name impacted both the buyer and seller side enough for it to contribute to its top rank today.


You've probably heard of Zappos (business name Zappos.com LLC). It's the name of an online business that sells shoes and clothes. The name, also their brand, strikes one as hip, creative, and unique. It's also easy to pronounce with just two syllables, contributing to brand recall.

Today, it remains the go-to brand for most shoppers looking for shoes and clothes. Derived from the shortened Spanish word 'zapatos,' the twist also reflects the company's values as "fun and a little weirdness," according to its founder, Tony Hsieh.

This proved beneficial and allowed the business to expand its products to more than just shoes. According to The Washington Post, it eventually hit its billion-dollar mark before Amazon acquired the company for $1.2 billion.

How to Create and Change an Amazon Seller Name

Finalize the business name you will use and follow the advice from the previous section before  signing up for an Amazon Seller Central account . After you've created an Amazon seller account, your default seller name will be the business name you entered during the sign-up process.

Your Amazon business name can be your individual seller name. But if you're using a business or company name as your seller name, you have to choose a business type that's either a publicly-owned business or a privately-owned business for you to enter your business name.

You may choose to keep the name for branding consistency, as the business name may still reflect your invoices, but you may also choose to change it.

An infographic showing the seven steps on how to change an Amazon seller name.

Important Considerations

Before setting out to create a list of creative and professional seller names, take a pause. To ensure you get everything right the first time, consider these elements that can help you make a powerful seller name, which you can adapt as both your business name and brand name.

Trademark and Intellectual Property

Amazon sellers need to protect their brands using registered trademarks. If you use your Amazon seller name as your brand name, you may have to protect it with a trademark. Amazon has Intellectual Property (IP) policies that can help business owners prevent counterfeits and safeguard their brand reputation.

One benefit of registered trademarks is that you can take advantage of Amazon's Brand Registry, which provides additional tools and resources for brand protection. Before making your seller name into a brand name, ensure it doesn't violate any existing trademarks or intellectual property owned by other businesses.

Domain Name

It's necessary to check domain availability before settling on a seller name. That's because you want the name consistent with what your shoppers type into their devices when they want to do business.

While Amazon provides your store its domain name in "www.amazon.com/shop/storename" format, you may also want to check website domain availability. This is in case you want to create your online store to augment your Amazon store sales.

You can choose domain extensions like ".com," ".store," or ".shop," but we recommend ".com" as it is the most popular and widely recognized. Acquiring a domain name that matches the Amazon store name will help reinforce your business name's consistency across platforms.

Amazon Business Name Generator

An Amazon store name generator is an online tool that can help you come up with  creative and unique business names. Such tools analyze keywords, industry trends, and popular phrases to generate a wide range of potential name options, catering to different preferences and business objectives.

Some popular Amazon business name generators include Shopify's business name generator, Namelix, and Business Name Generator by Oberlo. Just input the  desired keywords related to your niche market or industry, and the algorithm will generate a list of potential Amazon store names based on those words.

Put Your Seller Name Out There With the Help of Seller Interactive

Creating a unique Amazon business requires time and mental effort. If you are serious about growing your business, then you should take it seriously. Ideally, it's a name you’ll have to stand with for the rest of your  business venture. It can be a one-shot deal contributing to your business's fate in the marketplace.

Equally important is putting that Amazon seller’s name out there once you decide. You'll need to invest more time and effort because creating awareness and making your seller name stick requires consistent marketing and advertising efforts. Luckily, some professionals can help take this load off your plate and handle the business of full account management.

We here at Seller Interactive understand the Amazon marketplace and know how to navigate the ecommerce business. We have a team of professionals who know how to put seller names in front of the buyers’ eyeballs. Go ahead and see for yourself. Book a call now.

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The Sales Rank on Amazon Explained: A Guide to Reaching the Top Spot

Amazon sellers like you who want to break through and grow sales must first understand sales rank on Amazon. It is a significant metric that will give you insights, leading to better product and account management.

Understanding the intricacies behind Amazon sales rank or Best Sellers Rank can help you develop targeted marketing campaigns and optimize product listings. By implementing effective strategies, you can improve your products' visibility on the platform and capitalize on the opportunities a good sales rank provides.

In this exploration, we will unravel the intricacies of this important metric, empowering you with the knowledge needed to thrive in the highly competitive Amazon marketplace.

What Is a Good Sales Rank on Amazon?

A good sales rank on Amazon is based on several factors. In general, a lower rank indicates the product is popular within the category it's in. For example, a product ranking number 1 of 1,000 will typically have better sales than a product ranking at 10,000.

It is important to remember that Amazon sales rank is not an exact measurement of sales figures—only of sales potential.

Understanding Amazon Sales Rank

Amazon sales rank is a numerical representation of how well a product has been selling recently. It is a relative indicator that compares a product's sales performance against other products within the same category or subcategory.

Importance of Sales Rank

Amazon sales rank impacts product visibility and sales. A high-ranking product has a greater probability of being noticed by shoppers. Moreover, the sales rank serves as a useful metric for Amazon sellers to gauge the performance of their product listings and strategize their marketing efforts accordingly.

Another use of Amazon sales rank is to identify profitable product niches. Through it, you can check the bestsellers in a category, determine products competing for the top rank, and discover more about your competitors. Doing this will help you introduce products with features that can compete or surpass those within the category.

Where to Locate the Product’s Amazon Sales Rank

The Amazon Sales Rank for a specific product can be found under the "Product Details" section on its product listing page. This information is usually located towards the bottom of the page and is updated frequently to reflect the most recent sales data. To access this information, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to your product listing page on Amazon.
  2. Scroll past the product description, features, reviews, and other related information.
  3. Locate the "Product Details" section.
  4. Find the "Best Sellers Rank" line item, typically the eight on the list in between the ASIN and Customer Reviews.
  5. The Amazon Sales Rank is a numerical value with the hash sign in front of it (e.g. #1) and in what category or categories the product is in.
An image of the product details section of an Amazon listing highlighting the Best Seller Rank with a red rectangle.

How Amazon Sales Rank Algorithm Works

The Amazon sales rank algorithm is designed to help customers discover highly favored products by providing a numerical ranking based on the product's performance. Amazon's algorithm assigns a seller rank to every item in each product category. This rank is updated every hour, reflecting the latest sales data. Items within the same category are compared to determine their rankings.

The sales rank algorithm focuses on how many sales an item has made within a specific period. Simply put, the more sales a product has, the better its sales rank will be. However, it's worth noting that Amazon weighs recent sales more heavily, emphasizing current performance. This means that a product's rank can fluctuate considerably, even daily.

One critical aspect to consider is that a product's sales rank closely relates to its performance within the same category rather than comparing it to products from other categories. This means that a high sales rank in one category does not necessarily imply that the item is doing well in other categories or across Amazon.Various factors, including demand, pricing, sales history, and reviews, can influence the sales rank algorithm.

Factors Impacting Amazon's Sales Rank

To fully understand Amazon sales rank, you must know the aspects that influence it. Exploring such aspects will help you better understand the mechanisms shaping a product's rise to the bestseller rank, which will help you find ways to increase your chances of ranking higher.

An infographic about factors impacting Amazon’s sales rank: Product demand, sales history, pricing, reviews

Product Demand

The demand for a product is a crucial factor impacting Amazon sales rank. Higher demand for a specific item leads to a better sales rank, boosting the product's visibility on the platform. Conducting product research can help identify current sales trends, allowing you to understand customer preferences better and make informed decisions on your product offerings.

Sales History

Past sales play a significant role in determining a product's sales rank. Products with a consistent and positive sales history tend to maintain a higher rank, whereas items with erratic or declining sales patterns may experience a rank drop. You can analyze past sales data to identify patterns and, through excellent account management, improve your sales rank moving forward.


Competitive pricing is essential for achieving and maintaining a good sales rank. Buyers tend to compare prices across different sellers, and offering a product at a competitive price can be a significant driving factor behind increased sales. By monitoring market trends and competition, you can optimize your pricing strategy to attract more buyers.


Products with more positive reviews often enjoy better visibility on the platform, increasing sales and a rise in rank. Encouraging satisfied customers to leave positive feedback helps improve the product's reputation, thus enhancing Amazon sales rank.

Analyzing Amazon Sales Rank

Amazon sales rank is a crucial part of understanding the performance of a product in the marketplace. Sales rank measures product sales in the same category. A higher sales rank number indicates a higher sales velocity.

The factors when analyzing ranking are:

Analyzing Amazon Sales Rank
CategoryThe Amazon sales rank is relative to the specific category the product belongs to. A high rank in a more competitive category may indicate better performance than a high rank in a less competitive category.
TimeframeAmazon sales rank is updated frequently–typically hourly–to reflect recent sales data. A product's rank can change significantly in a short period due to increased sales or changes in demand.
FluctuationYour sales ranking can fluctuate for various reasons, including seasonality, promotions, and changes in consumer trends. It is essential to monitor ranking over time to identify trends and patterns.

Recognizing Product Categories

Categories serve as essential boundaries, enabling you to focus your ranking efforts. Understanding how products are categorized and ranked gives you more power to influence product's ranking. Such classifications provide structure for product organization and help you place your products where customers will likely look into. Let's dive into how product categories and subcategories work.

Categories and Subcategories

On Amazon, products are organized into specific product categories to help customers easily find what they are looking for. Each category is managed further into subcategories, allowing for more precise classification and organization of items. Understanding these categories and subcategories can help you identify where your products fit in the vast offerings.

A list of some of the categories and subcategories on Amazon

Strategies for Boosting Your Amazon Sales Rank

Now that you understand how Amazon sales rank works, you can start influencing it by implementing strategic optimization techniques. Try out these best practices, which can actively shape your product listing's sales rank and drive increased visibility and sales.

Identifying Right Keywords

Keyword research is important to any successful search engine optimization (SEO) strategy. The goal is to find relevant keywords that potential shoppers use. You can use tools such as Google Keyword Planner, Amazon’s auto-suggest feature, and other keyword research tools to achieve this.

Start by creating a list of core relevant keywords for your listings. Next, expand the list using synonyms, long-tail keywords, or related terms. Long-tail keywords carry less competition because they are more specific, but the traffic is few. Remember that the ideal set of keywords should target different stages of the customer journey: awareness, consideration, and decision.

Practicing Search Engine Optimization

Once you have identified the right keywords, integrating them into your product listing and content on Amazon is the next step. This SEO practice aims to improve your product's visibility and rank on the platform.

Implement the following strategies to optimize your Amazon listing:


Furthermore, optimize your content beyond the product listing to include off-page SEO efforts like creating relevant blog posts or external content with backlinks to your Amazon product page.

Remember that SEO is a continuous process requiring regular evaluation and adjustments. Monitor your sales rank and tweak your SEO strategies accordingly to maintain high visibility and success on Amazon.

Side Note: Search Engine Ranking vs Amazon Sales Ranking

Two distinct yet interconnected concepts are ranking on a Search Engine Results Page (SERP) and achieving a high Amazon sales rank on e-commerce platforms like Amazon.

In the context of Amazon, search engine ranking is primarily concerned with getting to the top of the search engine's first-page result. On the other hand, the Best Sellers Rank is a measure of a product's selling performance in the given category.

SEO helps boost your product's sales ranking. Optimizing your product listing makes it likely to appear on top of Amazon search results and in front of the right customers, which can lead to increased sales. The increased sales bump up the product's ranking, potentially boosting sales further.

Uploading High-Quality Images

Visual representation of a product is critical for potential customers to make informed purchasing decisions. By using top-quality images, you can provide a virtual experience that lets shoppers visualize the product's physical appearance and usability. To ensure the images are of high quality, you can integrate these tips:

  • Multiple angles - Show the product from various perspectives to give a comprehensive view.
  • High resolution - Use high-resolution images to provide detail and clarity.
  • Accurate representation - Ensure the images reflect the true colors and dimensions of the product.
  • Context - Incorporate images that demonstrate the product in its intended environment or being used for its purpose.

If you want to take it up a notch and ensure you create and upload high quality images that sell your product, watch this short video guide.


Sales Velocity

Sales velocity measures how fast a product sells during a given period. It is a vital metric affecting sales rank and inventory management—a crucial activity you must do if you choose to sign up for Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA).

You should formulate strategies that increase sales velocity to help you stay ahead of the competition. Apart from what was already mentioned above, you can improve sales velocity by:

  • Influencing sales conversion using PPC ads management
  • Manage inventory storage and shipping volumes to achieve optimum inventory
  • Starting a promotion campaign

Competitive Pricing

A well-thought-out pricing strategy can help you keep up with the competition and maintain a healthy profit margin. Important aspects of competitive pricing include:

  • Regularly analyzing competitor prices and adjusting one's pricing accordingly
  • Considering price elasticity and how it affects the demand for the product
  • Offering promotions and discounts to stimulate purchases
  • Balancing profitability with competitiveness to maintain a sustainable business model

A High Sales Rank Starts With Selling Your Products Well

Given the understanding of Amazon sales rank, it's evident that you must sell well to get to the top of your chosen product categories and stay there. To do this, effort and resources must be poured into activities such as SEO, PPC ads management, and listing optimization.

All of these require full attention to work, and if you are an Amazon seller with eyes set on business growth, it'll veer you off track. You will need a trusted team of professionals to boost sales that bump you up the sales rankings.

You can count on Seller Interactive to do that work for you. We have a team of Amazon marketplace experts equipped with knowledge to boost your sales quickly so you can reach the top spot in no time. If you're ready to see what these pros are capable of, book a call now.

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Search Suppressed Amazon Listing: 6 Causes PLUS How to Recover

Amazon offers a platform for countless sellers like you to showcase your products to a global audience. However, the challenge of search suppressed Amazon listings often plagues sellers. This occurs when products disappear from search results and fail to get visibility. This problem is worrying, pushing you to try and understand why it happened and how you can fix it.

This article delves into the intricacies of suppressed Amazon listings, outlining six underlying causes that can lead to this situation—ranging from policy violations and listing errors to performance-related issues.

We will also discuss effective strategies to recover suppressed listings and restore their visibility in the digital marketplace. By understanding the complexities of suppressed Amazon listings, you'll be equipped with the knowledge and techniques to maintain a resilient and thriving presence on Amazon. So, let's begin!

What Does Search Suppressed Mean on Amazon Listing?

"Search suppressed" on Amazon listing means that the product is not easily discoverable or shown in search results on the platform.

Amazon may suppress your listings to ensure a positive customer experience, often due to incomplete or noncompliant information, resulting in reduced visibility and sales loss.

It is crucial to understand the factors leading to suppressed listings, such as missing or noncompliant main images, overlong product titles, and lack of categorization. Being aware of these issues and learning how to address them is essential. Through your knowledge, you can quickly fix suppressed listings and regain visibility on the platform.

With that, let's check out the six main causes of suppressed listings.

Missing or Noncompliant Main Image

Your product’s main image plays a crucial role when customers search for it on Amazon. It greatly influences the decision of a potential buyer to click on your product, differentiating it from rivals. 

While most search results follow Amazon's image guidelines, resulting in a similar design, you should strive for distinctive features. So, pay attention to the packaging, ensuring it stands out through color, pattern, or design. Your product’s hero shot taken slightly on a low angle can create the illusion of a proud and confident product. 

Consistently branding your hero shots by making it distinctive develops familiarity among your audience, slowly developing awareness.

For your main product image, follow these specific standards from Amazon:

the twelve Main Product Image Standards

Following these guidelines and understanding the importance of a clear and attractive main image will help set your product apart on Amazon while staying compliant.

Lack of Categorization

Proper categorization is critical for ensuring your listings' visibility on the Amazon platform. Correct categorization keeps your listings from being suppressed, helps drive more traffic, and ultimately improves your sales potential.

Ifdone incorrectly, it will bring the following negative effects:

  • When your product lacks proper categorization, it could lead to a suppressed listing and ultimately impact your sales.
  • When you don't categorize your products appropriately, they might not appear in relevant search results, making it difficult for potential customers to find and know about your products.
  • Incorrect categorization can lead to your product being listed alongside unrelated items, creating confusion and negatively impacting its organic ranking.

To enhance product visibility, these are the things you can do.

  • Study Amazon's category structure.
  • Choose the correct categories for your products.
  • Familiarize yourself with the primary and secondary categories associated with your product, as well as any subcategories that may be relevant.
  • Make sure to update your listings accordingly and monitor their performance.

Overlong Product Title

To create an effective product title and avoid suppression, include details that accurately describe what you sell. Keep the title short, as longer titles are harder to read and risk losing customers' attention.

Product Title Creation Tips
  • Keep your title 60 characters long and fewer than 80 characters.
  • Consider the preferred title lengths and styles for different product categories.
  • Refrain from using all capital letters in your titles and instead capitalize the first letter of each word, excluding prepositions, conjunctions, and articles.
  • Ensure that the title of a product starts with the brand name and includes the brand name field.
  • Use figures instead of spelling out numbers, for example, use "2" instead of "two." Do not use non-language ASCII characters like Æ, ©, or ®
  • Provide only the necessary information to identify the item without any subjective commentary like "hot item" or "best seller.”
  • Include appropriate punctuation in titles such as hyphens (-), forward slashes (/), commas (,), ampersands (&), and periods (.).
  • Use abbreviations for measurements like "cm," "oz," "in," and "kg."
  • By adhering to these guidelines, you can increase the likelihood of customers clicking on your product and prevent your Amazon listing from being search-suppressed.

    Missing Attributes

    Without complete attributes, your listing can be search-suppressed, making it difficult for customers to find you. Categorization helps you add complete product attributes, which contributes to displaying relevant and accurate information to buyers. 

    Understanding the required attributes for each product listing on Amazon is important. Some of the mandatory attributes are as follows:

    • Product Title
    • Brand
    • Product Description
    • Size
    • Color

    Selling Restricted Products

    Amazon's restricted products fall into various categories, including hazardous materials, offensive materials, or items regulated by government bodies. To avoid any complications, it is vital that you, as a seller, stay informed about the specific product guidelines and abide by them diligently.

    Restricted products are limited or banned from being sold on Amazon due to legal, regulatory, or safety reasons. Selling such products can cause your listing to be search-suppressed and may lead to penalties, account suspension, or account termination.

    To ensure the safety and integrity of the marketplace, Amazon enforces a restricted product policy, which helps maintain the platform's reputation and provides a secure environment for buyers and sellers.

    Selling Counterfeit Products

    Selling counterfeit products on Amazon is unethical and against their policies. It can lead to search suppression, listing removal, and even account suspension. These consequences can harm your sales and brand image. You'll miss on customers, and you'll find it difficult to attract them again.

    Counterfeit products are unauthorized replicas or imitations of original items. These products often try to deceive you by mimicking the original's branding, packaging, and appearance. Amazon actively monitors and removes counterfeit products from its platform. To ensure you protect your business and keep a good name on Amazon, only sell genuine products.

    7 Steps to Fix Search Suppressed Amazon Listings

    To fix suppressed listings on Amazon Seller Central, follow these seven steps:

    the first step to fix searched suppressed listing

    the second step to fix searched suppressed listing

    the third step to fix searched suppressed listing

    the fourth step to fix searched suppressed listing

    the fifth step to fix searched suppressed listing

    the sixth and seventh step to fix searched suppressed listing

    By following these steps, you can efficiently fix suppressed listings on Seller Central and improve your product visibility and sales on Amazon.

    How Your Suppressed Listing Can Rebuild Visibility

    Once you've resolved the issue that caused your Amazon suppression, you must bring the listing back on track. To rebuild visibility, check out these tips!

    Ensure Compliance

    Ensure that your suppressed listing complies with Amazon's policies. Check your Seller Central account for performance notifications, safety complaints, or policy violations. Review your product detail page and edit any non-compliant information. Make sure to upload valid product images that meet Amazon's requirements.

    Optimize Product Listings

    To increase your listing's visibility, optimize your product detail page. Write a clear and concise product title, include a detailed product description, and highlight your product's key features. This will help your listing regain search visibility and improve its overall quality in the eyes of potential customers.

    Keywords and Search Terms

    Use relevant keywords and search terms in your Amazon listing to ensure it appears in search results for the most relevant queries. Apply the best listing optimization strategies for your listing title, product description, and feature bullet points.

    Advertising and Promotions

    Leverage Amazon's advertising and promotional tools to improve the visibility of your listing, post-suppression. Run Sponsored Product campaigns, create promotions such as discounts or coupons, and participate in Amazon's Lightning Deals. These efforts can increase your listing's visibility and lead customers to your product page or Amazon store.

    Regular Maintenance

    Monitor your Amazon-suppressed listings regularly. Use the Suppressed Listing Report to identify potential issues and fix them promptly. This will help you maintain a healthy account standing and prevent further suppression.

    Monitor Competition

    Keep an eye on your competition to stay ahead of the game. Analyze their product listings, pricing strategies, and promotional tactics. Embrace change, and understand that in order to stay relevant to your customers, consistent listing updates should be included in your strategies.

    Partner With Seller Interactive

    Search suppression on Amazon occurs when a product listing does not meet the platform's guidelines, resulting in the product being hidden from search results. When your listings do not reach customers, it's going to hurt your sales and stagnate your income and profit.

    As an Amazon seller, dealing with search suppressed listings can be challenging. To save time and prevent loss of sales, consider partnering with us here at Seller Interactive. We are an expert in the field of Amazon listing optimization and management.

    Our team is well-versed with Amazon's policies and requirements, so we can identify potential issues efficiently, ensuring your listings stay compliant and visible to potential customers. Book a call with us now, so we can discuss our offers.

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    What Is an ASIN on Amazon and Other FAQs for New Sellers

    If you're new to selling on Amazon, you may have come across the term Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) and have asked, "What is an ASIN on Amazon?" Understanding ASINs is crucial for managing your product listings effectively and ensuring potential customers can find your products easily.

    This article will explore what an ASIN is, its purpose, and other frequently asked questions that can help you become a more successful Amazon seller. We will discuss how ASINs impact your listings' visibility, how to create new ASINs, and how to troubleshoot common ASIN-related issues.

    What is an ASIN on Amazon?

    ASIN is a unique 10-character sequence of numbers and letters assigned to products within Amazon's catalog. You can either use an existing ASIN for an already established product or create a new one for a newly launched product listing.

    ASINs play a central role in Amazon's product catalog structure. They help identify products, making it easy for both Amazon and sellers to search and manage product listings. ASINs vary per marketplace. For instance, a product's ASIN on Amazon.com may not be the same as its ASIN on Amazon.co.uk.

    What Are Universal Product Codes, International Standard Book Numbers, and European Article Numbers?

    You will need one of the codes below when listing your products on Amazon, depending on your product type and location. This will help your products index in the catalog, making it easier for customers to find and purchase your items.

    UPC/Universal Product CodeThe UPC/GTIN-12 is a 12-digit code used in the US and Canada to identify products.
    ISBN/International Standard Book NumberISBN is a unique identifier used for selling books, consisting of 10 or 13 digits.
    EAN/ European Article NumberEAN/GTN-13/International Article Number is a 13-digit code used globally, except in the US and Canada. An EAN code is an extension of UPC with an extra digit to identify countries.

    How Do I Find My Amazon ASIN?

    To locate your ASIN, visit the product detail page on Amazon's website, focus on the product details section, and look for the combination of letters and numbers labeled "ASIN." You can also check the product page’s URL and find the alphanumeric code after the letters, "dp." That's your Amazon ASIN.

    You can find other seller’s product ASINs the same way as you find yours. Locating the ASIN is quite straightforward and can be done in these ways.

    Check the product page URL.

    an Amazon product page URL showing where to find the ASIN

    Visit the product details page on Amazon's website.

    the product details section of a product page which shows where the ASIN is

    Can I Change and Create An ASIN for My Product?

    No, ASIN is assigned by Amazon and cannot be changed. Each product on Amazon has a unique ASIN, but you can always create a new ASIN for new products you will list on Amazon.

    If your product already exists in Amazon's catalog, there is no need to create a new one. Use the existing Amazon ASIN instead. This is important because having multiple ASINs for the same product can confuse buyers and negatively impact your seller account.

    Why Is ASIN Important When Selling on Amazon?

    Having the correct ASIN for your product ensures it will appear in relevant search results, leading to better visibility and potential sales. ASINs help establish parent-child relationships between products, adding a sense of order for brand owners and third-party sellers. It allows Amazon to index catalog pages efficiently and keep track of various product attributes such as size, color, and other critical information.

    Does Every Product Need an ASIN to Be Listed on Amazon?

    Yes, every product requires a unique ASIN to be listed on Amazon. Your product cannot be found or sold on the platform without it.

    New Amazon sellers may either create a new ASIN for their product or use the existing one on Amazon. In cases where a product variation exists, such as different colors or sizes, each variation should have its unique ASIN. This ensures that your product details page accurately represents and differentiates the various options.

    Can I List Multiple Products Under the Same ASIN?

    Yes, if you are selling variations of the same product. Here,  you can use a single parent ASIN with multiple child ASINs to manage products of different colors or sizes, this is known as the parent-child ASIN relationship.

    To create a parent-child relationship, you must ensure that the items you’ll list meet Amazon's product variation policy. Following these guidelines allows customers to browse and compare variations on a single product detail page, ultimately improving their shopping experience.

    Remember that ASINs should not be reused or shared for different products. If you're unsure whether to create a new ASIN or use an existing one, you can always use Amazon Seller Central's "Add a Product" tool to match your product with the correct identifier in the catalog.

    To make your ASIN management easier, check out how Amazon’s bulk listing tool works in this video:


    Are There Any Restrictions or Guidelines for ASINs?

    Yes, Amazon has guidelines and policies regarding ASINs. Some of the notable guidelines you should follow are the following:

    Unique Products

    Each ASIN should represent a unique product listed on Amazon. ASINs must not be duplicated or used for unrelated products.

    Product Variations

    If you are selling variations of a single product (e.g., different colors, sizes), you should use the parent/child variation relationship. Each variation must have its unique ASIN to maintain proper catalog structure on Amazon.

    Bundled Products

    If you are selling a bundle that includes multiple products together, you must create a new ASIN for the bundled product. The ASIN should represent the unique bundle and not the individual products included in it.


    For book listings, it is recommended to use the unique ISBN as the ASIN. If the book doesn't have an ISBN, you can request a "Manufacturer Part Number" or "Mint Condition" exemption.

    Collectible Products

    Unique collectible items such as rare books, artwork, or antiques may require special ASIN creation. Amazon suggests contacting Seller Support to discuss such cases.

    Duplicate Listings

    Selling the same product as another seller does not entitle you to create a new ASIN. Instead, you should list your product against the existing ASIN. Creating duplicate listings is against Amazon's policies and may lead to account suspension.

    Product Accuracy

    ASIN titles, descriptions, and other product information must accurately represent the listed product. Misleading information, including misleading ASIN creation, is prohibited.

    ASIN Merging

    ASINs should not be merged, split, or converted without proper authorization from Amazon. This includes merging different parent/child ASIN relationships or splitting variations of a single product into separate ASINs.

    Can I Use the Same ASIN for Different Marketplaces (e.g., Amazon US and Amazon UK)?

    Each Amazon marketplace has its unique ASIN system, so you will need different ASINs to list your products on different marketplaces. To create a new ASIN in different marketplaces, you can use your GTIN, UPC, or EAN. This ensures that your product has a unique identifier in each marketplace.

    Can I Change the Product Details Associated With an ASIN?

    Yes, you can change product details associated with an ASIN on Amazon through your Seller Central account. Ensure that your changes are accurate, relevant, and comply with Amazon's policies to maintain a successful and high-quality product listing.

    Sellers can update ASIN details, such as product descriptions and images to optimize listings and improve sales. Here's how:

    1. Access your Amazon Seller Central account.
    2. Choose the Inventory tab.
    3. Then, click “Manage Inventory.”
    4. Edit the product details as needed. Remember that changing certain details may affect your product's visibility, ranking, and overall performance on the Amazon marketplace.

    How Can I Ensure My ASINs Are Properly Optimized for Search?

    Ways to Optimize Your ASINs
  • Include relevant keywords in your product titles, descriptions, and feature bullet points.Conduct thorough market research and understand customer search behavior to identify the most effective keywords and phrases related to your product.Make use of ASIN lookup tools to gain insights into how your competitors are optimizing their listings and give you a better understanding of what works well in your market.Remember that high-quality images and informative product descriptions can also attract customers and drive sales.Provide all the necessary information in your product detail pages that a customer might need to make a purchase decision, such as product features, dimensions, and materials used.Keep an eye on your listing performance regularly and adjust accordingly based on data about customers' responses and competition.Stay proactive and responsive to changes to maintain and grow your presence on the Amazon marketplace.
  • How Can I Use ASIN Lookup Tools?

    ASIN lookup tools help you identify and manage ASINs. Some of the best Amazon ASIN lookup or reverse ASIN lookup tools are Helium10, MechantWords, SellerSprite, and Zonbase. Through these tools, you can obtain essential data such as product variations, pricing, and sales rankings that will guide you in deciding for your product catalog and inventory management.

    Partner With Seller Interactive

    Understanding ASINs is important for new sellers on Amazon. ASINs serve as unique identifiers for products within Amazon's catalog and play a significant role in managing product listings effectively. With the correct ASIN, sellers can ensure better product visibility and drive higher sales.

    Partnering with a reliable agency like Seller Interactive can help you navigate Amazon's complex ecosystem. As a professional agency, we offer comprehensive Amazon full account management services, ensuring your products are properly listed, and your ASINs are optimized for success.

    With our in-depth knowledge of the platform and expertise in Amazon's policies and procedures, we can assist in creating and managing your ASINs, helping you stay one step ahead.

    So, why wait? Contact us now for expert guidance on managing your Amazon account!

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    A Guide on How To Get Permission to Sell Brands on Amazon 

    Selling on Amazon has become a highly competitive landscape where countless retailers and sellers vie for customers' attention. If you are looking to sell branded products on the platform, you need to obtain permission from both Amazon and the brand to ensure a smooth and legal selling process. And so you ask yourself how to get permission to sell brands on Amazon.

    How Do I Get Permission From a Company to Sell on Amazon?

    This year, the process of acquiring permission has evolved to maintain the integrity of authentic and authorized sellers. You need to ensure you comply with Amazon's guidelines and brand requirements. Through these, you can sell confidently and enhance customer experience by providing genuine products they can trust.

    As you embark on this journey, remember that being proactive in obtaining the required approvals from both Amazon and the brand you wish to sell can make all the difference. Investing time and effort in understanding the approval process sets you up for success and offers a strong foundation for your online selling adventure. 

    So, let's dive into the guide and discover how you can navigate the Amazon marketplace with ease and confidence this year.

    Brand Owner Research and Preparation

    Researching and following Amazon guidelines give you a higher chance to gain approval and successfully sell branded products without legal or policy issues. After understanding the rules completely, look for brands you can resell or sell your own brand on the platform.

    Review Amazon’s Policy on Selling Brands

    Familiarize yourself with Amazon's policy on selling brands. The online marketplace has stringent rules to ensure that only genuine products are sold and to protect the rights of brand owners. Review these policies thoroughly and comply with them to avoid any violation that may result in penalties or suspension of your account.

    Enroll in The Amazon Brand Registry

    Amazon Brand Registry is a program designed to give sellers like you complete control over your brands, prevent counterfeits, and grant access to brand-building and marketing tools. Make sure to review the program's eligibility requirements, including having an active text-based or image-based registered trademark in the countries you want to enroll in.

    To know more about Amazon Brand Registry’s benefits, you can watch this video:


    Identify Brands That Are Open for Third-Party Sellers

    Not all brands on Amazon are open to third-party sellers, as some have exclusive partnerships with Amazon or other restrictions. So, after understanding the rules, research and identify brands that welcome third-party resellers. Some brands have a list of authorized resellers on their website and will file a copyright infringement complaint against unauthorized sellers.

    Research Individual Brand Requirements and Limitations

    It's vital to research individual brand's policies and any limitations they might have, such as restrictions on selling certain products or the requirement of being a licensed dealer. This information can usually be found on the brand owner's official website or through direct communication with brand representatives.

    Be aware of the types of products that might be prohibited or have specific restrictions in Amazon's policies, such as dangerous items, human parts, tobacco-related products, warranties, collectible coins, personal safety, and unbranded products.

    To-Dos Before Selling Branded Products

    After all the research, there are some things you need to accomplish to begin selling branded products on Amazon. By carrying them out, you'll be set to obtaining permission to sell branded products on Amazon and growing your business as a trustworthy seller.

    the three things you need to do before selling branded products on Amazon

    Create a Professional Amazon Seller Account

    The first step to start selling branded products on Amazon is to register for a professional seller account. A professional account is recommended for selling branded products as it allows access to more features and tools.

    Build a Reputable Seller Profile

    Establish a strong Amazon sales history, customer ratings, and feedback to gain the trust of both brand owners and customers. Maintain a high seller feedback rating by providing excellent customer service, honest product descriptions, and prompt shipping. The higher your rating, the more likely brand owners will permit you to sell their products.

    Develop a Compelling Business Plan

    Your plan must outline a compelling strategy for selling brands on Amazon. Emphasize your expertise and commitment to maintaining brand integrity. Assure brand owners that you'll sell their products responsibly, preserve their reputation, avoid counterfeit or selling fake items, and adhere to Amazon's Brand Registry rules and guidelines.

    A well-crafted business plan should highlight how your company will add value to the brand you wish to sell through digital marketing efforts, competitive pricing, and excellent customer service. Additionally, provide details about any other e-commerce platforms or physical shops where you plan to sell genuine products.

    Apply for Brand Approval

    Before you start selling branded products on Amazon, apply for a brand approval. The process will require you to do the following:

  • Gather relevant invoices, authorization letters, or other proof of authenticity, demonstrating your right to sell those branded items.
  • Navigate and register to the Brand Registry to gain access to the tools that help protect your brand's reputation and reduce the risk of copyright infringement or counterfeit products.
  • Provide accurate information about your brand, including your brand's name, trademark registration number, and any specific industry you are operating in, such as baby products, beauty, luggage, grocery, or automotive.
  • Through these steps, you can increase your chances of getting approval to sell brands on Amazon. Eventually, you could expand your online store to other e-commerce platforms or physical shops.

    Just remember though that some categories, such as personal safety items, gourmet food and health, and collectible coins, may have additional requirements and restrictions, so understand the rules beforehand. Also, receiving approval to sell branded goods on Amazon can be more challenging if you are a reseller rather than a brand owner or licensed dealer. 

    Connecting With Brand Owners To Sell Branded Products

    Establish direct contact with brand owners or their authorized distributors by researching contact information for the owner or authorized representative. Make sure you are reaching out to credible sources.

    Once you have the relevant contact information, create a professional and convincing message that details your interest in selling their branded products on Amazon. In your message, include these:

  • Your Selling Experience
  • Your commitment to representing their brand well
  • Strategies for maintaining the brand's reputation
  • Your affiliations with other e-commerce platforms
  • Experience running a successful online store
  • Maintain open and transparent communication with the brand owner or authorized representative to increase your chances of securing permission to sell their branded products on Amazon.

    Maintain Compliance When Reselling Branded Products

    To ensure a fruitful business for you and the brands you represent, maintain compliance with Amazon regulations while selling branded products. By being a responsible brand seller, you can ensure you sell smoothly as you grow your brand and sales.

    Ensure All Product Listings Comply With Brand Policies

    Ensure your product listings accurately describe the products, use proper brand names, and include authorized images. This shows respect for the brand owner and helps maintain product integrity while avoiding copyright or trademark infringement complaints. Stay updated with brand policies and adjust your listings as they change.

    Respect Pricing Policies and Minimum Advertised Price (MAP) Requirements

    Adhering to these pricing policies ensures that you, as a third-party seller, do not undermine the brand's or its products' value. Regularly check and update your pricing in line with the brand's guidelines, and if unsure about the MAP requirements, consult the brand owner or their respective online resources.

    Regularly Monitor Your Brand Listings for Potential Unauthorized Sellers

    Be vigilant in monitoring your listings for any unauthorized sellers or counterfeit products. Third-party sellers may attempt to copy your listings, potentially tarnishing the brand's reputation or violating the brand owner's policies. By carefully monitoring your listings, you can quickly report suspicious activities to Amazon or the brand owner and protect your selling privileges.

    Report Any Infringements to Amazon Through the Brand Registry

    Enroll in Amazon's Brand Registry to better protect your reselling rights of branded products and gain access to tools that help you identify and report infringements. By actively reporting unauthorized Amazon sellers or counterfeit products, you maintain a healthy marketplace that respects brand owners' rights and promotes genuine products. 

    How To Get Permission to Sell Brands on Amazon: Partner With Seller Interactive

    Getting permission to sell brands on Amazon is crucial for the success of your online business. You must follow Amazon's policies to sell branded items without any hassle. Keep yourself informed about policy changes and take the necessary steps to comply. Constant improvement and adaptation to the changing landscape of Amazon are mandatory to increase your brand approval success rates.

    Level up your Amazon business by partnering with us at Seller Interactive. Our professional team will help you seamlessly sell branded products on Amazon, ensuring a hassle-free experience. We will support your Amazon product launch to guarantee a successful start.

    Don't wait – leverage the expertise of Seller Interactive and sky-rocket your online business. Contact us today!

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    How to Get Ungated on Amazon: The Full Requirements & Steps

    Amazon’s customer-centric approach gives sellers like you the freedom to sell almost all types of products. While the Amazon world is your oyster, some restrictions, such as gated product categories, still accompany selling on the platform. Learning how to get ungated on Amazon can unlock many doors for your business and expand your selling potential.

    What does ungating on Amazon mean, and how do you sell products in restricted categories? Let’s unlock the answers to these questions and discover the requirements and steps to ungating product categories successfully.

    To begin, let’s give a bit of background on the matter: what are Amazon’s gated categories, and why are they restricted in the first place? 

    Understanding Amazon’s Gating Policy

    You must be eager to immediately add and list the products you want to sell on your catalog as soon as your Amazon Seller Central account is set up. However, you may notice that some products and categories have limitations and restrictions. 

    Amazon divides its product categories into gated and ungated groups. Ungated categories are those with open access, where you can list and sell products without restrictions. 

    On the other hand, a gated or restricted category means that you cannot sell products belonging to such groups unless you have the marketplace’s permission and approval. You may also need to meet certain criteria before selling such items on the platform. 

    Amazon has four primary product restrictions or gates within its system:

    • Product Category - Sellers can’t sell products from a particular category without Amazon’s approval.
    • ASINs - Amazon may restrict certain ASINs from being sold by specific sellers or in certain regions. The marketplace may request transparency codes for verification.
    • Brand - Amazon sellers must obtain permission to sell certain items from known brands before placing them in their product catalog (e.g., shoes from Nike). 
    • None of the above - These items have restrictions, but the nature of their restrictions doesn’t belong to the aforementioned categories. Rather, these products have other listing limitations, meaning you cannot sell these items on Amazon.

    In line with these discussions on Amazon’s gating policies, to be ungated means to request approval from Amazon and gain access to sell such products on the marketplace. 

    Gaining approval to sell products from restricted categories and subcategories opens doors for your business to previously inaccessible market segments. This allows you to diversify your store's offers further to reach new audiences and ultimately increase your sales and profit.

    The Complete List of Amazon Restricted Categories & Products

    Amazon has set selling restrictions on the product categories listed below, from the Fine Arts category to products from the Grocery and Gourmet Foods category. Let’s delve further into Amazon’s gating policies by learning what categories, subcategories, and products have restrictions on the platform.

    graphic of the restricted categories on Amazon

    Some categories also have special restrictions. For instance, the Toys and Games category has holiday selling guidelines and restrictions that sellers must follow during specific seasons.

    On the other hand, sellers must follow certain requirements to sell certain products under the Beauty category and the Automotive and Powersports category. Lastly, some games in the Video Games category have Sony Playstation requirements that sellers must meet before selling such items.

    Why Does Amazon Gate These Categories?

    With the number of product categories in the list above, many newbies and even established Amazon sellers may wonder why the e-commerce giant is that much of a gatekeeper. What is Amazon’s purpose and reasoning behind making these groups gated or restricted categories?

    For Customer Safety

    Amazon restricts these categories because of customer’s safety and well-being. Known for its customer-centric approach, it’s no surprise that Amazon would restrict specific product categories (like Grocery and Gourmet Foods).

    Restrictions require sellers to adhere to specific quality standards or certifications. By gating these categories, Amazon ensures that only sellers who meet these standards can list products, maintaining a certain level of product quality and effectively safeguarding their customers’ safety.

    To Avoid Fraud and Counterfeits

    Additionally, Amazon has gated categories to lessen the cases of fraud and counterfeiting and prevent unauthorized selling in the marketplace. Amazon reportedly removed almost 6 million items on its platform and spent more than 1 billion USD in 2022 alone to battle counterfeiting.

    By restricting certain categories and products, Amazon can ensure that only authentic and legitimate items are displayed and available on its platform. Through these restrictions, Amazon can also preserve the reputation of several known brands.

    Requirements for Amazon Ungating

    Before you can essentially unlock categories, you must meet several requirements Amazon sets. Because most requirements will vary depending on the category or product, thorough research on Amazon’s restriction policies on these product categories is crucial. The requirements will depend on the category you are applying to be ungated. 

    Essential Business Requirements
  • Valid Address
  • Valid Government ID of the Seller
  • Tax Information
  • Professional Seller Account
  • Proof of Authorized Relationships With Suppliers or Distributors of the Products
  • Product Requirements
  • Ten Invoices of Different Items From the Category They’re Applying For
  • Documents and Licenses Certifying Product Authenticity and Quality
  • Proof of Selling Permission From the Brand Owner
  • Product Performance Metrics
  • Order-Defect Rate
  • Return Rates
  • Late Shipment Rate
  • Customer Satisfaction Ratings
  • How Do I Ungate My Amazon Listing?

    Ungating your listings and product categories can be done through three stages: application process, submission of invoices, and brand and category approval.

    Application Process

    Request for Amazon’s permission to sell your desired product. To get approval, you must do these:

    1. Open your Amazon Seller Central account and add a product to your inventory. 
    2. Select a product from the category you wish to be ungated for. 
    3. Click "Listing limitations apply" and "Request approval." The application form will pop out.
    4. Fill out the form with the necessary information. You will also be asked to provide documentation, such as proof of your business's legal status and accurate contact information.

    Submission of Invoices

    You must submit invoices to prove the legitimacy of your supply chain and products. Ensure you have legitimate invoices from recognized suppliers or manufacturers when applying for ungating.

    Amazon may also ask for additional information, such as product images, refund policies, and information about your suppliers. Sometimes, Amazon may request that you provide three different 30-180 days invoices, so it’s best to prepare these.

    Ensure your invoices meet Amazon's requirements, such as clearly stating your company name, the supplier's name, and the invoice's issue date. Submitting well-organized and easy-to-understand documents is crucial to increase your chances of getting approval.

    Brand and Category Approval

    After submitting all required documentation and invoices, Amazon will review your application. During this stage, they'll assess your business' ability to provide high-quality products and services that align with their policies.

    If your application is successful, Amazon will grant you access to sell within the restricted brand or category, allowing you to expand your product range and increase profits. On the other hand, you will receive a notification if your application is rejected. In this case, you can make adjustments accordingly and reapply.

    Common Issues: Rejected Applications

    Of course, victory can’t be sweet without any struggles. You may encounter several challenges when they try to get ungated on Amazon, such as rejected applications. 

    Rejections can be disheartening but not uncommon when getting ungated for Amazon. Rather than feeling discouraged, understanding the reasons behind these rejections is crucial as it can teach you how to overcome them.

    Check whether or not you’ve sufficiently met Amazon’s requirements for approval. You can do so by reviewing the information you’ve placed in the application form, double-checking if your invoices are accurate and well-documented. Verify if you’ve submitted all required documents to support your application.

    If your application continues to be rejected, consult seller forums and Amazon's resources, or consider enlisting the help of an experienced ungating service provider.

    Hand Your Amazon Seller Account To Seller Interactive

    The process of unrestricting product categories on the Amazon marketplace may be challenging to some. Luckily, you can let the pros handle these sticky situations. 

    Unlock your online business' unlimited selling opportunities and potential with our full account managers here at Seller Interactive. Our Amazon selling account experts will oversee all essential account management tasks, including inventory management services and unlocking Amazon gated categories. Book a call now with our professionals and bring your Amazon business to boundless success today!

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    Can You Have Multiple Seller Accounts on Amazon? Get the Answer Here!

    All Amazon sellers want one thing: conquer the Amazon marketplace. They achieve this goal by optimizing their digital presence and profitability. Among the tactics they rely on is creating multiple seller accounts on Amazon. But is such a strategy allowed?

    Whether you’re a novice seller or have been exploring the marketplace for some time, this article will help you understand more about Amazon account management.

    Can You Have Two Seller Accounts on Amazon?

    Let’s get straight to the point. Yes. You can have multiple Amazon seller accounts, provided you have sufficient business reasons. Where does this provision come from?

    Amazon’s multiple account policy states that you can only keep one Seller Central account per region. With this policy, Amazon can combat the proliferation of deceptive practices and uphold a safe marketplace.

    When Can You Create Multiple Selling Accounts on Amazon?

    As mentioned earlier, you can create multiple seller accounts as long as you have legitimate business reasons. Such reasons might encompass:

    Multiple Brands

    Owning more than one brand is a good reason to have different seller accounts on Amazon. When managed correctly, you can keep brand-specific strategies without overlap or conflict. 

    Even each brand's revenues, expenses, and profits are delineated. So, everything about the brand, from how it looks to how it talks to customers, will be convenient.

    Product Diversification

    Sellers can create multiple Amazon seller accounts, given that they manufacture different products. The idea of diversified product lines is to cater to the customer’s specific needs, demands, and strategies suitable for each product category.

    For Amazon businesses, this approach is not only advantageous but imperative. Each category should be treated as a business unit with strategies, resources, and considerations. This way, they can adapt based on changing consumer preferences and market dynamics.

    Amazon Affiliation

    Being recruited for a specific Amazon program is also one of the exceptions to Amazon’s general one-account policy. This participation can include the following:

    • Targeted Marketing Efforts
    • Content Creation
    • Product Promotions

    When you are affiliated with an Amazon program, you are expected to adhere to specific rules associated with that program. These guidelines may differ from the standard policies for regular sellers. Having separate accounts for program-related activities can help you follow the policies with both Amazon's general policies and those specific to the program.

    The Benefits of Creating Multiple Seller Accounts on Amazon

    Consider yourself lucky if you find yourself eligible to handle multiple Amazon seller accounts. Here’s a quick overview of what your advantages will be:

    1. Enhanced Brand Management

    Managing separate brands becomes more efficient, allowing for the development of what’s listed below:

  • Unique Branding
  • Promotional Strategies
  • Customer Engagement
  • The multifaceted approach to brand management helps you fully realize each brand’s potential, refining its appeal and competitive edge in the Amazon landscape.

    2. Flexible Business Operations

    Multiple accounts give you the flexibility to conduct the following:

  • Execute diverse business strategies
  • Adjust to market changes
  • Discover fresh business prospects
  • You can quickly fine-tune your strategies for each account based on real-time insights and performance data. Leveraging this technique can keep your offerings fresh and relevant. 

    3. Isolated Risks

    Owning multiple Amazon accounts is a safety net for online entrepreneurs. Even if one account faces unforeseen challenges, such as:

  • policy infringements,account deactivations, andmarket fluctuations
  • the continuity of your overall business operations is still there. Any disruption in one account doesn't halt your income stream completely. You can isolate and address challenges in one area without compromising the performance and stability of your overall ecommerce business.

    2 Ways You Can Set Up Multiple Seller Central Accounts

    A white laptop with a screen displaying a photo icon and a 'Create Account' tab.

    Managing multiple seller accounts might be daunting on one side, but it’s a strategic advantage for dominating the marketplace for sellers.

    Intrigued by the perks of having multiple accounts? This is your chance to change your approach and make every effort count. Below are two things you must consider to create multiple accounts.

    1. Focus on Principal Information

    Don’t forget to provide separate principal information for each account when setting up multiple accounts. These data will ensure transparency and authenticity, helping your business maintain a good status.

    Here’s a more detailed explanation.

    • Different Name: Different business names prevent confusion. Each account will be identified as a separate entity, reducing the chance of perceived duplication or fraudulence.
    • Separate Email Address: A unique email address is essential for receiving account-specific notifications, communications, and password resets. Any important updates or alerts are guaranteed to be shown in real time.
    • Separate Bank Account: Using the same bank account can complicate your accounting and tax filing processes. A separate bank account is a must.
    • Separate Credit Card: It allows for easier transaction tracking and dispute resolution. It also secures other accounts in case one encounters security breaches.
    • Separate IP Address: Assigning a different IP address can help you avoid automated flags or potential security risks associated with multiple accounts accessed from a single IP.

    2. Get Amazon’s Approval

    You might believe you meet all the criteria, but the final say rests with Amazon. Your efforts will bear fruit only if Amazon gives the green light.

    So, how do you get Amazon’s approval?

    • Prepare a Comprehensive Request: Present a detailed rationale when seeking approval. Emphasize the uniqueness of each account's products, target audience, and marketing strategies.
    • Provide Necessary Documentation: Amazon may require you to provide supporting documents, such as business registration papers and the principal information we discussed above.
    • Submit Requirements to Amazon Portal: Forward your application via the Amazon Seller Central portal. The approval process may take some time, so be patient. Be ready to provide any supplementary data if Amazon requests it.

    The Setbacks of Creating Multiple Accounts on Amazon

    You must carefully acknowledge risks, especially if you’re not allowed to open a second account. Operating multiple accounts without proper authorization can lead to various complications, including:

    1. Violation of Amazon Terms

    It’s a no-brainer that these actions can lead to immediate repercussions—account suspension or permanent termination. You must be amenable to Amazon’s terms of service to avoid such blatant violations and severe consequences.

    2. Complexity in Management

    Handling various accounts demands substantial time and meticulous effort. Each account requires individualized strategies, continuous monitoring, and regular optimizations to avoid selling problems in the future.

    For small enterprises, this situation can stretch their already limited manpower and financial resources thin, ruining overall business productivity.

    3. Difficulty in Tracking Metrics

    Every account will have its own set of data, including:

    • Sales
    • Customer Engagement
    • Conversion Rates
    • Inventory Levels
    • Performance Metrics

    Such fragmentation can complicate your business gaining a cohesive image of overall business performance. The increased workload in data management can also lead to oversights and inaccuracies, affecting strategic decision-making and business outcomes.

    4. Unfair Competitive Advantage

    Opening multiple seller accounts can give the illusion of diverse options and competition. This action can manipulate search algorithms, product visibility, and bestseller rankings. A lack of transparency can mislead customers about the variety and source of products available, resulting in a breakdown in trust.

    Once customers discern the absence of authenticity and feel deceived, it can severely tarnish the seller's reputation.

    Best Practices in Handling Multiple Accounts on Amazon

    working on a laptop

    If you’re still here, chances are you’ve already contemplated the rewards and challenges of managing multiple accounts. This is a commendable first step!

    But here in Amazon, where policies evolve and market dynamics transition, your adherence to best practices isn't just a recommendation—it's a prerequisite for sustained success. 

    Consider these tips to fully enhance your selling experience and master the art of account management.

    Monitor Your Account Health

    Always check your account health and performance metrics. By doing so, one account's issues won’t go unnoticed while you focus on another. 

    Account HealthPerformance Metrics
    Order Defect Rate (ODR)Sales Volume
    Pre-fulfillment Cancellation Rate (PFCR)Inventory Levels
    Late Shipment Rate (LSR)Customer Feedback

    A vigilant eye on these numbers can sustain high standards of service quality, customer satisfaction, and operational efficiency across all accounts. You can prevent the escalation of minor issues into major complications.

    Manage Your Product Listings and Pricing

    A product listing optimized for one account might not resonate with the audience of another. If one account has stellar listings while another falls short, it can create disparities in customer experience and brand perception. 

    Similarly, a pricing strategy that works wonders in one market segment might be suboptimal in another. Inconsistent pricing strategies across accounts can also confuse customers and potentially erode trust.

    As such, each account demands its unique strategy. Remember, these factors can influence your product's visibility and sales performance. It’s important to represent your brand accurately.

    Rotate Login Times and Devices

    Logging in from the same device or IP address can make the accounts appear interconnected, leading Amazon’s automated systems to flag them for further review or suspension. 

    By varying the times you log in and using different devices or IP addresses for each account, you can maintain a semblance of independence and separation between the accounts, reducing the chance of unwarranted flags or security alerts.

    Implement Backup Data and Security

    Each account, with its unique data set and operational dynamics, necessitates individualized security measures. That way, you can prevent potential breaches or unauthorized entries.

    Establishing robust security protocols, such as two-factor authentication and secure password practices, is crucial for each account to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of the data.

    Learn Amazon Account Management With Seller Interactive

    You should now know the opportunities and obligations surrounding multiple Amazon seller accounts. Having more than one account is possible, but you must be ready to handle the what-ifs and whatnots that come in this venture.

    Seller Interactive can be your companion in learning proper Amazon account management. We can help you sift through the subtleties of Amazon policies, equipping you to manage each account proficiently.
    Don't just exist in this marketplace—stand out and thrive. Book a call now!

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    What Can I Sell on Amazon Without Approval? A Tell-All Guide for Amazon Sellers

    The Amazon marketplace has a broad range of opportunities for every entrepreneur. But like the laws in the real world, Amazon has implemented certain restrictions to keep its over 2 million sellers in check. For this reason, old and new sellers have asked the same question: What can I sell on Amazon without approval? 

    Knowing what to sell on the platform will prevent your Amazon seller account from getting your selling privileges revoked. So, explore the guidelines and restrictions today and learn what you can or cannot sell online.

    The Nature of the Amazon Selling System

    With more than 2.7 billion unique users visiting the site monthly, it isn’t a surprise that many entrepreneurs want to dip their toes into the digital market. Most probably think setting up camp on the platform is as easy as creating an Amazon Seller Central account.

    But as always, it isn’t that simple. Given customer satisfaction and security in shopping experiences, Amazon must maintain specific regulations to protect sellers and buyers. As an online seller, you must abide by its required operating processes.

    This includes: 

    1. Listing for your first product
    2. Creating detailed product descriptions and placing high-quality images to describe your products accurately to your customers
    3. Fulfilling customer order depending on the type of fulfillment method you’ve chosen upon adding said product
    4. Learning to manage and optimize your store for a smooth run

    The ABCs of Amazon Selling

    The first step of Amazon selling (product listing) is already a hurdle. One must initially confirm that the products fit into categories that don't need pre-approval for listing. But rest assured, we’re here to guide you through the ropes of the Amazon system.

    Amazon may restrict vendors from selling certain products based on:

    • ASINs: Some products have restricted Amazon Standard Identification Numbers (ASINs) depending on the seller's location. Amazon may ask for transparency codes from the seller for verification.
    • Brand: Sellers must request a brand’s approval before creating listings and placing these items on their roster.
    • Category Approvals: Sellers need Amazon’s approval before selling items from certain categories.

    If none of the categories fit the nature of a product’s restrictions, this item has other listing limitations. Thus, sellers simply cannot sell this product on Amazon. 

    💡Tip: Familiarizing yourself with Amazon’s Restricted Products is crucial to stay within Amazon’s guidelines.

    Why Are There Product Restrictions on Amazon?

    Learning that you can’t sell everything on Amazon may be a huge bummer and may even douse the entrepreneurial flame in your heart. But these product restrictions exist for a crucial reason. 

    Amazon’s policies protect intellectual property rights. With imposed restrictions, they prevent unauthorized third-party sellers from listing products that infringe on these rights. This way, original creators and legitimate brand owners can operate without fear of counterfeit goods flooding the marketplace.

    Counterfeiting is a threat. By controlling what can be listed, Amazon can build a secure environment where customers can confidently shop.

    Can I Sell on Amazon Without Brand Approval?

    Yes! Certain categories don’t require approval or additional documentation, which gives Amazon sellers the freedom to sell these products.

    But remember that it’s not that easy. Sellers must still know the ups and downs of Amazon’s product rules and guidelines for a thriving venture.

    A Breakdown of Amazon’s Product Categories

    With millions of products at Amazon, it can be tough to figure out if there are any specific rules for what you want to sell. But fear not! We’re here to help you with that.

    In the following sections, you’ll see three: semi-restricted, gated, and ungated categories. Let’s find out whether there are any special rules you need to follow when selling in those categories. 

    Unrestricted or Open Categories 

    An ungated category is open for all sellers. Meaning, you won’t need any form of pre-approval from brands or Amazon to sell items from such categories.

    Among these are Amazon Fire TV accessories, books, and major appliances. But it doesn’t stop here. Below are additional examples of unrestricted categories. 

    graphic of the ungated categories on Amazon

    Gated Categories

    On the other hand, sellers must get permission from Amazon first before they can list and sell products from a restricted or gated category.

    From gourmet foods to collectibles, pointers below are Amazon’s restricted categories:

    graphic of the restricted categories on Amazon

    Semi-Restricted Categories

    Besides ungated and gated categories, Amazon has product categories that have special guidelines and limitations, making them semi-restricted. These are open and ungated for the most part, but there are instances where sellers need Amazon’s approval to sell these items.

    For example:

    • Amazon restricts certain products (pet food, veterinary diets, pet snacks, etc.) from the Pet Supplies category to ensure the quality of such items follows FDA’s standards.
    • For some games under the Video Games category, sellers must meet certain Sony PlayStation requirements before selling these products.
    • Products under the Beauty category must be registered and approved by the FDA before sellers can create and sell listings for such items.
    • Under the Automotive and Powersports category, sellers must meet several requirements, such as placing compatibility information, fitment data, warranties, and other essential information regarding the product.

    You can check more of the categories here:

    graphic of the semi-unrestricted categories on Amazon

    How to Make Amazon Categories Profitable

    Knowing about these product restrictions and selling policies doesn’t only prevent sellers from account suspension. They can also develop better business strategies by maximizing the opportunities in such categories.

    But how will you take advantage of it?

    Start Your Amazon Journey with Open Categories

    The most prominent strategy any beginner Amazon seller can come up with is to start their Amazon business with products under the open categories. 

    Because they are still learning the ropes and testing the waters, it’s only logical that they sell products that don’t need additional documentation and selling permission from brands or Amazon.

    Open categories can serve as an Amazon seller’s foundation in the marketplace. By selling items from ungated categories, they can:

    • get their products listed faster
    • gain brand visibility and exposure
    • swiftly establish their presence on the platform
    • immediately generate sales
    • focus on monitoring their progress and optimizing their account
    • zero in on improving their fulfillment operations
    • concentrate on growing their brand and business within the marketplace

    Since market entry is also much easier and faster in ungated categories, sellers can use this opportunity to test product and marketing ideas. They can gauge their target audience’s interest in certain items and learn more about the Amazon crowd.

    Widen Your Reach with Restricted Categories

    Once sellers have found their footing in the Amazon ecosystem with ungated categories, they can quickly explore the restricted ones. 

    Of course, since these categories vastly differ from open categories, they can expect to tap into uncharted territories and reach an entirely different customer base. 

    Nevertheless, they can show their products to new audiences, find new sources of income, and potentially boost their sales if ungating is done right. Not to mention, business and brand growth will naturally follow. 

    So, how can they widen their reach with the restricted category? The answer is simple: meet the conditions that Amazon has established. 

    The requirements could vary depending on the category you want to sell in. However, Amazon generally requires sellers to have essential business information (valid addresses and IDs, etc.), meet performance standards (order-defect rates, late shipment rates, etc.), meet certain product requirements, and pay ungating fees.

    As for the process of ungating categories, it comes with three stages:

    1. Application Process: The seller requests Amazon’s permission to sell in these categories.
    1. Submission of Documents: The seller provides the necessary information and documentation for approval (e.g., product images, supplier invoices, etc.).
    1. Category Approval Process: The platform reviews the seller’s application and approves or rejects it.

    Experience a Smooth Amazon Selling Run with the Experts

    shot of a group of people talking and smiling in their office

    Source: Photo by Jopwell from Pexels.com

    Amazon opens many doors for all sellers with these categories, but joining the same category won’t always be for everyone. Still, don’t let this sentiment get in the way of your Amazon success. Try hiring Amazon account managers to help you with your business venture. 

    Consider Seller Interactive! We offer account management services to ensure our clients won’t encounter any roadblocks during their Amazon selling journey. Our Amazon experts can handle your account setup, optimize your listings, and ungate restricted categories, among other things.
    Book a call today and experience an Amazon selling journey like no other.

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    How to List Products on Amazon FBA

    Do you already have profitable products to sell on Amazon? A winning launch starts with successfully adding your listings to the platform. But before you achieve that, you must first learn how to list products on Amazon. 

    Listing products on the largest marketplace can be complex, even for those with wide experience in Amazon selling. The journey involves numerous considerations, be it keyword research or product category.

    But don’t worry! We can teach you how to list items as an Amazon FBA seller. From preparing to optimizing your product listing for higher search visibility, we got you covered.

    What Is a Product Listing?

    Also called the product details page, an Amazon product listing offers a snapshot of the product’s features, benefits, and selling price. They convey the value proposition of the item to help customers evaluate the sellers’ products based on the listed information.

    How Amazon sellers can add their product listings also depends on their seller account plan. Take a look at this table:

    Amazon Seller Account PlanPrice Per MonthUnits to SellListing Capacity
    Professional$39.99More than 40 unitsHas the option to list items in large batches or inventory management
    Individual$0.99Fewer than 40 unitsCan only list items one at a time

    5 Things You Need When Listing Products

    You can embrace the B2B and B2C approach with the right product information. But before starting selling on Amazon, you must prepare your product listing. 

    What are the five elements you need? 

    1. Product Category

    Choose the most fitting category for your products. Don’t forget to browse existing product categories in the Amazon catalog to find the best fit for your product. With these strategies, potential buyers can easily find you.

    💡 Note that some categories may require additional approval from Amazon before you can list your product.

    2. Product Identification

    a graphic showing the most common gtins, from left to right: european article number, universal product code, international standard book number.

    Global Trade Item Numbers (shown above) are required to manage a broad product range. Amazon uses these product identifiers to accurately determine the product you’re offering. 

    💡 You don't have to provide a GTIN if you add your product to an existing listing. But if you’re creating a new listing, you must obtain a UPC.

    3. Product Description

    Detailed product descriptions help customers easily understand why they should buy your product. So, how are you going to maximize its impact?

    • Include key elements of your product in the description (e.g., size, color, material).
    • Use bullet points for readability.
    • Copy the dimensions from the seller’s listing if they sell your item on Amazon. Otherwise, you must measure your item’s length, width, and height. 

    4. Product Images

    High-quality photos will guide customers in visualizing your product and making a smart choice. Make sure to upload multiple product images from different angles and settings. They must also adhere to Amazon’s requirements. 

    Below are a few pointers:

    • Product images should be a minimum of 500 x 500 pixels
    • For high-quality Amazon listings, increase it to 1,000 x 1,000 pixels
    • Use a plain white background. 
    • The item must take up at least 80% of the photo. 

    5. Search Terms

    Relevant keywords can bring your business name to the audience's search results. They bridge the gap between potential buyers’ searches for and the products displayed in response.

    How Do I List My Items on Amazon?

    First, you need to make an Amazon Seller Central account to list your items. You can only create a new product listing if you are Amazon's exclusive product seller.

    💡In case the product you want to list is already being sold on the marketplace, you can match its existing listing. 

    How To Add a Product Listing on Amazon Seller Central

    This section will provide clear and concise steps to efficiently list your products on the Amazon platform and boost sales.

    In Creating a Brand New Amazon Listing

    Have you found a promising product with potential for Amazon selling? Check this step-by-step guide on how to build a brand listing.

    a step-by-step guide for brand new listing

    In Adding a Product to an Existing Listing

    According to the platform’s rules, you can’t create duplicate listings for the same product. List an existing Amazon product by following this instruction:

    a step-by-step guide for existing listing

    💡 Note: Your product will be added to the “Manage Inventory” tab within Amazon Seller Central. Since your fulfillment channel is Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA), your product listing will go live once Amazon gets your inventory.

    In Adding Products via Upload

    You can use the bulk upload feature in Seller Central if you have many variations to list. Here’s how to do bulk uploading:

    a step-by-step guide for adding products via Upload

    Bonus: Tips to Optimize Your Product Listings

    It’s not enough to list your products on Amazon; you must also optimize them. Improving your listings helps boost your products’ visibility on the platform. When your products are effortlessly discoverable, elevating sales becomes a smoother journey. 

    Explore these tips to adeptly optimize your listings.

    1. Avoid Keyword Stuffing

    Keyword stuffing is using the same keyword repeatedly in your product listing. Unfortunately, Amazon will see it as spam, hurting your ranking.

    Diversify your keyword usage throughout your listing. See to it that no keyword will be used more than three times. 

    2. Incorporate Long-tail Keywords

    Long-tail keywords enable you to rank higher in search results than short-tail keywords. This may be specific, but you don’t need to face any competition. Check this example below:

    Short-tail KeywordLong-tail Keyword
    Shoes”Black Running Shoes”

    When conducting keyword research, focus on long-tail words relevant to your product and with a high search volume.

    3. Optimize Titles for Mobile

    Customers increasingly use mobile phones to shop on Amazon. So, seize this chance to refine your product listings for smartphone users. One notable strategy you can apply is to keep your product titles brief.

    Always keep your product titles between 50—70 characters only. Also, avoid using special characters or symbols in your titles, as these can be difficult to read on mobile devices. 

    4. Leverage Bullet Points

    As mentioned earlier, bullet points can emphasize the key features and advantages of your product. They can also help break down the product description to accommodate readers with varying attention spans and reading habits.

    Along with bullet points, remember to incorporate these tips:

    • Use a bold font to highlight important words or phrases about your product.
    • Use bullet points to address common product inquiries and concerns.
    • Use simple, direct language.
    • Stop using technical terms unfamiliar to most buyers.

    5. Tell a Story Through Product Images

    Product image is one of the most important elements of a product listing. They are the first thing your potential customers will see, so they need to be high-quality and visually appealing. 

    The best product images will tell a story about your product and make customers want to learn more. From there, you can lessen your chance of receiving negative customer feedback from unfulfilled expectations. 

    Here are four examples of photos you must include in your product listing:

    • Main Image: Include a white-background shot of your product.
    • Product Details: Include a close-up, emphasized texture, or a 360 view of your product. 
    • Infographics: Include other essential details such as dimensions, product comparison, or special instructions here. 
    • Lifestyle Shots: Include photos of your products being used in different settings. 

    Hassle-Free Listing Creation with Seller Interactive

    You are now equipped with the knowledge and skills to list your products on Amazon FBA. This means you can begin selling on Amazon to a vast customer base! However, creating a listing is only one part of a successful product launch.

    Need help with creating your product listings, optimization, and promotion? Seller Interactive is here to help. We offer comprehensive product launch services for experienced and new sellers.
    Book a call now!

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    How To Remove Amazon Review (The Right Way)

    Besides conversions and sales, the ecommerce world is run by another crucial business aspect: customer feedback. With the A10 algorithm placing higher importance on customer satisfaction, Amazon sellers must come up with ways to maintain a positive online reputation, even leading them to question how to remove an Amazon review.

    Are sellers allowed to delete negative Amazon reviews, and if not, how should they handle this type of feedback properly? Let’s discover the best practices for managing negative reviews and maintaining a strong online reputation on Amazon.

    It’s essential to learn why customer reviews matter so much in the Amazon marketplace and how they can affect the success of your Amazon business.

    The Connection Between Reviews and Reputation

    Customer feedback is one of the most influential key factors sellers must focus on to achieve long-lasting and guaranteed ecommerce success. On Amazon, the relationship between reviews and brand reputation is particularly profound.

    Unlike in previous years and with older systems, Amazon’s A10 algorithm now emphasizes customer reviews more. It considers customer satisfaction a crucial factor in ranking product listings, as listed below.

    graphic showing Amazon Key Performance Indicators

    Many authentic positive reviews can boost your rankings, pushing your products to the top and giving your brand much-needed exposure and visibility. Why is a positive review such a big deal to Amazon in the first place?

    When potential customers visit your product details page, the star rating and the reviews are often the first things they notice. These reviews act as a snapshot of your brand's image, reflecting previous customers' experiences. 

    A product with numerous reviews boosts customer trust, while one with only a few reviews will make people skeptical and wary of it, regardless of high star ratings.

    Besides the number and positivity of reviews, how the store handles such reviews contributes to boosting your brand reputation. Those whoactively engage with reviews and address their concerns promptly and appropriately will likely gain a customer’s trust and loyalty. 

    Can I Remove an Amazon Review?

    There is no direct way for Amazon sellers to remove negative customer feedback on their product pages. Instead, you can reach out to Amazon via email and ask them to delete such reviews. The ecommerce platform will review your request and grant if the feedback violated any policies.

    It may take long to process, but Amazon has reasonable justifications for doing so. Consequently, several sellers have resorted to manipulating these essential metrics just to make people purchase their products.

    For instance, some sellers may delete authentic and constructive negative reviews to make their store and products look more appealing and less flawed.

    Because sellers have a high risk of manipulating reviews and ratings, Amazon has set strict policies to counter these unethical practices and tactics. Unfortunately, one of these rules limits the seller’s ability to remove unwanted and harmful reviews on their page.

    However, Amazon recognizes that not all review removals point to manipulation. So instead of removing the feature altogether, Amazon allows you to request a removal before deleting such reviews. By doing so, the platform can verify if the review harms the brand and its customers.

    How to Request Deletion of Negative Reviews From Amazon

    So, how precisely do you ask for Amazon’s help removing possibly harmful reviews from your storefront? There are two ways to go about the review deletion process. 

    1) Reporting a Review

    Begin this process by clicking the report abuse button.

    annotated screenshot of amazon negative reviews with the report button highlighted in red

    After clicking, a Submit Report page will pop up, where Amazon lists a part of its community guidelines regarding customer reviews. Once the seller clicks the Submit button, Amazon will review the comment and promptly delete it if it violates their policies.

    screenshot of the Submit Report page

    2) Reach Out to Amazon Support

    Another way to request a review removal is to contact and email Amazon’s seller support team directly. You may have to provide details about the case, including the product ASINs, the date and time of the comment, and the review link.

    The chance of Amazon deleting a bad review is low. However, if the reported comment has the traits listed below, they will likely be deleted:

    • A written review from an individual
      • with direct or indirect financial interest in the product
      • closely related to the brand owner
      • who is the product manufacturer
    • Use of profane and vulgar language
    • Spamming or repetitive negative content
    • Fake reviews or reviews in exchange for money, bonus credits, etc.

    Evidence is crucial when reporting Amazon reviews. For instance, if your store is bombarded with negative feedback and you believe these malicious attacks may come from a competitor, you must provide strong evidence to support your claim. Otherwise, Amazon will not take action upon your request.

    shot of a man shouting while holding his laptop against a red background

    Source: Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels.com

    How to Manage Negative Amazon Reviews

    You can’t report every negative review you spot on your product pages. It is not always helpful in improving your brand reputation and ranking on the platform. This process will be too time-consuming and impractical in the long run. 

    Instead, we recommend conducting best practices to handle negative reviews strategically and efficiently. Here are a few tips you can start with to manage negative reviews in your Amazon store.

    Embrace The Negativity.

    The first step towards solving almost any problem is acceptance. You must understand and expect negative feedback to pop up on their product pages once in a while. Receiving negative reviews is part of the ecommerce journey, so, instead of resisting them, accept that they are an inevitable aspect of doing business in the online marketplace.

    A negative rating may even be beneficial to your Amazon business. Authentic negative seller feedback can point to possible blind spots in your products and services, allowing you to address them and improve your offer. 

    Looking at negative seller feedback or product reviews as a growth opportunity is an effective strategy if you’re looking to thrive on Amazon.

    Assess the Review.

    After your acceptance phase, focus on the task at hand: engaging with the comment. Before responding to the negative review, it’s best to analyze the review contents first. Does it look like a legitimate review, or is it just an attempt to manipulate your reputation on the platform?

    Do not waste your time responding to comments that might be inauthentic or violate Amazon's policies; you can report these suspicious reviews and let the platform handle this issue on your behalf. 

    Respond Professionally to Feedback.

    You may now reply after verifying the authenticity and validity of the comment. Responding to the negative review allows the seller to pinpoint the customer’s issue and provide the appropriate solutions for such problems.

    Respond to reviews promptly, politely, and professionally while conversing with the buyer. An appropriate response can prevent the issue from worsening and speed up the resolution process.

    Encourage Honest Reviews.

    While you can’t do much about already posted negative comments, you can encourage honest and possibly positive feedback from your other customers. Doing so will improve your ratings and boost your credibility in the marketplace.

    You can politely ask your buyers about their experience with your products and request honest feedback with the “Request a Review” button within your Seller Central account. However, avoiding manipulative tactics like soliciting reviews through incentives or offering compensation is crucial, as these gimmicks violate Amazon’s policies.

    Requesting reviews using personalized messages in the packaging is another option. Buyers will appreciate this gesture and be more inclined to leave comments. Here are some useful quick tips:

    • Keep it concise.
    • Write easy instructions on how to leave reviews.
    • Include essential contact information.
    • Express your gratitude for their purchase.

    Monitor and Optimize.

    Most importantly, you must constantly monitor your product listings and check for reviews. By keeping track of your product pages, you can immediately spot new feedback and promptly address or resolve issues.

    Consequently, you can make necessary improvements in product optimization, customer service, and other aspects of your brand. Doing so shows your customers that you care about their opinions, take them seriously, and are committed to enhancing your business. 

    Handle Negative Feedback Like a Pro with Seller Interactive

    It’s incredibly frustrating to spot negative comments on your store, but you can’t directly solve this problem and remove reviews on your own. Only the platform can delete them, which only happens if they violate Amazon's policies. 

    What sellers like you can do is manage and respond to feedback politely and appropriately. Hopefully, the practices we’ve discussed can help you address these issues. If you think these tips are too challenging for you to handle independently, let the experts at Seller Interactive help!

    We offer Amazon product launch services that cover more than just the actual launch. Our experts can go as far as optimizing your product listings and monitoring product feedback to maximize conversions. Book a call today and propel your Amazon business forward with us!

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    Mastering Amazon AZ Claims: A Guide to Protecting Your Amazon Business

    Product returns are any entrepreneur’s nightmare. Not only do these claims hurt a seller’s ego, but they also involve tiresome processes and financial setbacks. In the world of Amazon ecommerce, there’s a more serious issue that can put a dent in your business reputation and profitability—Amazon AZ claims.

    What exactly are these claims, and how do they affect your Amazon seller account health? Let’s dive deep into the realm of Amazon A-to-Z claims and learn how sellers can protect their businesses from these potentially damaging situations.

    What Are AZ Claims in Amazon?

    Ever the customer-focused platform, Amazon lets its customers create A-to-Z claims—allowing customers to make return requests and seek refunds for purchases with issues. These claims directly refer to one of Amazon’s policies: the A-to-Z guarantee. 

    The Amazon A-Z guarantee policy ensures buyers' confidence and covers both the timely delivery and condition of the purchases from a third-party seller.

    Some typical reasons why customers make A-to-Z claims include:

    • Late shipment and other delivery issues
    • Wrong items shipped
    • Defective and damaged products
    • Issues with product authenticity

    A-to-Z claims only apply to physical products sold on and purchased from the platform. Digital items, service purchases, payments made through stored value instruments (gift cards, vouchers, etc.), and items sold outside of Amazon are not eligible for such claims.

    Regarding monetary reimbursement, Amazon only covers and compensates the product’s purchase price or up to a million dollars for medical expenses, property damage, and the like caused by a damaged or defective order.

    Amazon customers must ensure that they ordered their product from an official Marketplace seller and that their order’s latest estimated delivery date is 90 days or less. Additionally, at least one of the following criteria must be met:

    • The customer has yet to receive their order, and:
      • It has been three days since the maximum estimated delivery date.
      • The order was wrongly confirmed to be delivered.
      • The seller hasn’t responded or resolved issues.
    • The product received is damaged or defective, and the seller hasn’t responded to the customer’s request for a product return.
    • The customer wants to return the product from an international seller, but the seller did not provide:
      • The complete return address in the US.
      • A prepaid return label.
      • A full refund of the product without a return.
    • The customer requested a return, but the seller closed or rejected the said request. 
    • The customer requested a refund based on Amazon’s return policies, but they have yet to receive it.
    • The customer had to pay for additional charges that should have been covered by the seller (customs fees, etc.).
    short infographic showing the process of Amazon AZ Claims

    Amazon A-to-Z Claim Process: How It Works

    The Amazon A-to-Z claim process begins when the customer realizes their order isn’t as expected and ensures the above conditions apply to their current situation and transaction. 

    The buyer is then encouraged to reach out and contact the third-party seller first to resolve such problems via messages or a return request. They are both given 48 hours to straighten out the issues concerning the product. 

    Once those hours are up, the customer can bring the matter straight to Amazon and file a complaint against the seller. The vendor is then given 72 hours to respond to these complaints. If the seller fails to do so, the customer automatically wins the case and has their item refunded in full.

    Some sellers may worry that the time window that Amazon has provided may be too short. Fortunately, the ecommerce giant allows sellers to appeal if they feel they were wrongfully accused. 

    Sellers may appeal up to 30 days after the complaint is issued and submitted. During the appeal process, the seller must provide evidence and exhibit clear communication to reverse such claims and complaints.

    How Do A-to-Z Claims Impact Amazon Businesses?

    Every business, physical or online, experiences these claims and complaints in varying severities. However, no matter how small they may be, these A-to-Z claims may significantly affect your Amazon business in one way or another.

    Brand Reputation

    Regardless of how true they are, A-to-Z claims may potentially affect your company’s brand reputation and how your entire brand looks, not just to the customer who made the claim but also to your entire target audience. 

    For instance, if a claim goes unresolved or is mishandled, it could result in negative feedback on your seller profile. All potential customers may see such reviews on your page and be discouraged from buying from your shop.

    Financial Implications

    Besides the possibility of tarnishing their brand reputation and image, sellers may also encounter financial setbacks with such claims. If proven true, sellers must compensate for the damage or inconvenience the transaction has caused their customers. 

    Refunds automatically transfer the purchase price from your account to the customer’s. Meanwhile, for a product return, the seller must pack and ship another item to the buyer, doubling their expenditure and operational efforts.

    A-to-Z Claim: Amazon Seller Responsibilities

    While the A-to-Z claim process mostly involves the customer and the product in question, Amazon sellers are still a huge and essential part of the equation. During the process, sellers must exhibit certain traits and responsibilities to ensure a seamless resolution and avoid the negative effects mentioned above.

    First, sellers must answer the customer’s concerns immediately. Prompt communication ensures that the issues are resolved swiftly and prevents the situation from escalating to an undeserved complaint.

    Additionally, you must take the time to listen to the customer’s side. Listening to their side allows sellers to determine where the problem lies while making the buyer feel seen and heard, ensuring that the issue is addressed promptly and empathetically. 

    After hearing the customer’s side, sellers must clearly explain and provide steps to address the issue to the buyer. They can also offer other forms of customer service, such as reaching out to Amazon Customer Support, to help resolve the problem.

    Most importantly, sellers must maintain a courteous and professional tone while answering such concerns. Doing so ensures that the communication is clear and respectful, promoting a positive resolution and preserving the brand's reputation.

    closeup shot of two people writing on their packages

    Source: Photo by Kampus Production from Pexels.com

    3 Ways Amazon Sellers Can Minimize Their A-to-Z Claims

    As an Amazon seller, you are responsible for ensuring these A-to-Z claims are kept to a minimum to avoid tarnishing your brand’s image, prevent financial setbacks, and ensure a smooth-sailing business venture on the platform.

    Here are some methods you can practice to minimize A-to-Z claims involving your Amazon store.

    Implement Strict Quality Control and Effective Packaging

    It is wise to implement stricter standards and procedures for product quality control. These quality control measures will ensure that your products are in the best state before they are shipped out. Quality control checks may significantly reduce the likelihood of A-to-Z claims regarding product defects or discrepancies.

    Of course, your package will inevitably encounter various mishaps when it is in transit. For this reason, ensuring your products are neatly, safely, and securely packed before shipment is crucial to reduce damages. Effectively packaging your products will lead to fewer claims related to product condition.

    In line with the shipment, ensure you dispatch your package on or before its expected ship date to avoid any shipping delays. Timely shipping enhances customer satisfaction and reduces the chances of A-to-Z claims for late deliveries.

    Mind Customer Feedback and Experience

    Top-quality and exceptional customer service must be at the forefront of every seller’s mind. Just as Amazon is customer-obsessed, Amazon sellers must ensure their buyers have a seamless and satisfactory customer experience while engaging with their shop.

    Besides listening to and resolving issues within a customer’s A-to-Z claim, sellers must regularly read through their customer reviews and use this feedback to improve product quality, communication, or overall customer service.

    Focusing on negative feedback allows sellers to see possible blind spots and aspects where their items can further improve. Such reviews may also allow innovative ideas to create new product lines or enhance existing customer service.

    Monitor and Optimize Product Listings

    Another factor that significantly affects A-to-Z claims is the item’s product listing. Some buyers may complain that the descriptions and images in the product listing do not match what they received, leading them to file an A-to-Z claim. 

    For this reason, creating detailed yet accurate listings for your products is essential to set your customer’s expectations properly and to avoid getting claims questioning your product’s authenticity or quality.

    Additionally, regularly optimize and update your listings to ensure the product information is up-to-date and correct. Product listing optimization includes placing high-quality product images and writing comprehensive product descriptions with relevant keywords in your listings.

    Say Goodbye to Countless A-to-Z Claims

    Receiving A-to-Z claims is inevitable in the Amazon ecommerce world, and every seller on the platform must accept this reality. Rather than zeroing in on the negative emotions these claims may bring, sellers must focus on what they can control: how they address such claims and how they can enhance their operations.

    Answering these concerns calmly, promptly, and professionally is key to resolving the issue at hand swiftly and effectively. The practices we shared in the article can hopefully improve your operations and even minimize your A-to-Z claims.

    But, if you need more assistance with your online business, particularly your Seller Central account health, consider hiring Amazon professionals from Seller Interactive!

    Our full account management services, including account setup, product listing optimization, product launch, and more, ensure that your Amazon seller account and business run without hiccups. Contact our Amazon experts today and bid countless Amazon A-to-Z claims goodbye!

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    Protect Your Seller Account: Common Amazon Seller Scams You Need To Know About

    Amazon seller scams have become prevalent in the marketplace. These deceptive moves can range from unauthorized access to stealing business information. Knowing these key signs is the first step to guarantee your brand protection

    But how can you protect your seller account against these sneaky opportunists? Read on to learn more about the prevalent scams targeting Amazon sellers and equip yourself with the knowledge to stay secure.

    Are There Seller Scams on Amazon?

    Unfortunately, the answer is yes. Even though Amazon invests in security measures, crafty scammers still find ways to target unsuspecting sellers. Awareness and vigilance are essential in protecting your accounts against seller fraud and maintaining a reputable standing within this intense marketplace.

    4 Amazon Seller Scams You Must Be Aware Of

    Opportunities abound, but so do challenges. Among these are digital predators aiming to exploit your hard work and dedication. But as the old wisdom goes, “Forewarned is forearmed.” 

    Knowledge is your first defense in this cluttered digital bazaar. Let’s unravel the four Amazon scams every seller should be wary of and know how to keep you one step ahead of the tricksters.

    1. Failed Delivery Scams

    One common deceit in the ecommerce sector is the failed delivery scam. What’s the gist here? Take a look at this:

    A buyer purchases an order and waits for its delivery. Once the tracking information indicates that the item has been successfully delivered, the buyer claims they never received it. 

    It is a genuine concern on the surface. After all, packages can sometimes be misplaced, damaged, or mailed to the wrong address. But what differentiates real cases from scams is the frequency and pattern. 

    Scammers often repeat this tactic across multiple sellers or for high-value items, abusing Amazon’s buyer-centric policies. They’re banking on the retail giant’s tendency to favor the buyer in conflicts, particularly when the tracking indicates a successful delivery.

    2. Listing Hijacking Scams

    Imagine putting in the effort to create a top-notch product listing, only for someone else to crash in and enjoy the rewards. That's the essence of listing hijacking scams. See this example below:

    Hijackers latch onto your listing, offering the product at a cheaper price to lure in unsuspecting buyers. But instead of sending the real product, they dispatch counterfeit or subpar versions.

    The real trouble begins when buyers, thinking they've purchased from a legitimate seller (you), receive these inferior products. Disappointed and feeling deceived, they leave negative reviews on the product listing. 

    As these negative reviews pile up, the algorithm might push your listing down in search results, making it harder for authentic buyers to find your product. 

    3. Fake Review Scams

    The allure of quick sales and higher rankings has led other sellers down a misleading path—fake reviews. What should you know about it?

    Dishonest sellers flood their products with glowing positive reviews. But behind these comments are fake customers providing manufactured feedback, bought or incentivized to boost the product’s appeal.

    The implications of imaginary reviews are vast. For reliable sellers, it means compromised credibility and declining sales. Meanwhile, it’s a minefield of misinformation for buyers. In this game, everyone but the fake seller stands to lose.

    4. Phishing Scams

    Communication primarily occurs electronically, making phishing scams a real concern for sellers. How does this play out?

    Scammers create emails resembling Amazon’s designs, including official-looking logos and authentic-seeming email addresses. These emails often contain messages warning of account issues, upcoming transactions, or tempting offers.

    From login credentials to bank account details, the primary aim of these scammers is to entice you into providing sensitive information. Once they have this data, they can freely access your Amazon account, modify product details, change bank information to redirect payments or initiate unauthorized actions.

    The 5 Red Flags of Amazon Seller Scams

    While teeming with wonderful business opportunities, the digital marketplace also has pitfalls. But with the right info, you can avoid those problems that might trip the unprepared.

    Outlined below is your compass to spotting the Amazon red flags:

    1. Unusual Email Addresses

    Be cautious if the sender’s email looks odd or doesn’t match the platform’s official domain. 


    This website might look authorized, but the slight changes in the domain name suggest it’s not from the official Amazon site.

    What to remember: Always double-check. When in doubt, reach out to the platform or business directly through their official website or contact methods to verify any communication.

    2. Generic Greetings

    Authentic communications from reputable platforms you’re associated with will usually address you by your business’s name. It’s a sign they know their users and communicate professionally. 

    On the other hand, generic greetings like “Dear Seller,” “Valued Member,” or “Dear User” are broad and non-specific. These are frequently used by scammers who send out bulk emails to catch a few unsuspecting buyers. They might not have specific details about you, so they resort to these catch-all terms.

    What to remember: Of course, not every email with a generic greeting is a scam. Still, it’s a clear indicator to proceed with caution.

    3. Urgent Action Required

    The element of urgency is a classic psychological tactic employed by scammers to cloud judgment and prompt rash actions. These Amazon scammers intend to confuse your normal caution and analytical thinking by creating a sense of immediate danger or potential loss.

    Below are phrases designed to instill panic. 

    Typical Lines Used by Amazon Scammers

    The goal is to make you act impulsively. That means:

    • Providing sensitive information
    • Clicking on a malicious link
    • Making a payment

    What to remember: Always maintain composure. Verify the message through official channels before any interaction. 

    4. Spelling and Grammar Mistakes

    Consistent spelling and grammar mistakes can be another red flag. Typos, awkward phrasing, and incorrect grammar can be more than oversights; they can be deliberate attempts to bypass email filters.

    Some spam filters are designed to catch scam emails based on known phrases or patterns. By introducing errors, scammers hope their emails will slip through these filters.

    What to remember: A grammatical error can be an initial indicator that a message hasn’t undergone proper review. Be it minor or major, you must scrutinize the text for other signs of unprofessionalism.

    5. Mismatched Payment Details

    Scammers are skilled in faking or altering payment notifications. They can make you believe you’ve received a payment when you haven’t. Or they can make you act in a way that benefits them. 

    What to remember: A true payment notification typically has a detailed transaction breakdown. Be careful if the description is vague or doesn’t match your offered service.

    Protect Your Amazon Seller Central Account With These 3 Tips

    From digital shopping to web platforms, our personal and financial details form the backbone of countless online interactions. But with this convenience comes vulnerability.

    As business owners, it’s our job to ensure the security of our account information. Protection shouldn’t only lurk behind numbers and passwords—it’s all about our identity, privacy, and peace of mind.

    Now that you know the red flags, how can you build digital walls for your business? 

    1. Use of Strong Passwords

    Create a strong password. It can be your favorite character, memorable date, lucky number, or business establishment date.

    Personal birthdays or pet names are not an option anymore. Unscrupulous sellers can easily identify it. Don’t forget to update your password from time to time. This way, you can increase the security of your Amazon Seller Central account.

    2. Implementing Two-Factor Authentication

    Two-factor authentication (2FA) is another important step toward protecting Amazon accounts. It needs a password and a unique code sent to your phone or email.

    3. Avoiding Scam Calls

    Amazon scam calls are also not surprising anymore. These callers impersonate representatives by asking for customer inquiries until they gradually manipulate the conversation to get sensitive information from you.

    Always ask for proof of authenticity. It might also be better if you avoid engaging with unfamiliar contacts. Call Amazon’s customer service to confirm the call history between you and the caller.

    How to Respond When You Are Scammed

    Falling victim to a scam can be frustrating. The immediate rush of emotions—anger, confusion, regret—can make it difficult to know the next steps.

    Your feelings are valid, but it’s important not to make hasty decisions. A well-planned action is the key to preventing further harm to your business. In case you’re scammed, here’s how to respond effectively:

    1. Reporting to Amazon

    Targeted by multiple accounts? Fraudulent email messages? The first step is to inform Amazon Support about the problem. Share all the details about the scammer and your interaction with them. Amazon takes scamming seriously and will investigate your claim.

    2. Keeping Records and Evidence

    Gather all records and evidence related to the scam. It can be any of the following:

    • Emails
    • Text Messages
    • Screenshots

    Organize your records, as you may need to reference them when dealing with Amazon, your bank, or law enforcement.

    3. Contacting Your Bank

    Reach out to your bank if your account was compromised during the scam. Explain the situation and provide them with any evidence you have so they can help protect your account from unauthorized transactions. Your bank may provide additional security measures to keep your account against future scams.

    Escape The Black Curtain of Amazon With Seller Interactive

    Challenges and uncertainties are inevitable. There will always be a “black curtain” that will hinder your growth along the way. Amazon frauds,  for one, create an environment where sellers are vulnerable and constrained from doing the right work. 

    But no worries, brand protection is not a distant dream anymore. Seller Interactive can make you confident in finding the path to online success. We can help you freely conduct your plans for your Amazon business without the constant shadow of online scammers looming over your thoughts.
    Book a call now!

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