Protect Your Seller Account: Common Amazon Seller Scams You Need To Know About

Last updated on October 13th, 2023

Written by Himanshi Raj

Amazon seller scams have become prevalent in the marketplace. These deceptive moves can range from unauthorized access to stealing business information. Knowing these key signs is the first step to guarantee your brand protection

But how can you protect your seller account against these sneaky opportunists? Read on to learn more about the prevalent scams targeting Amazon sellers and equip yourself with the knowledge to stay secure.

Are There Seller Scams on Amazon?

Unfortunately, the answer is yes. Even though Amazon invests in security measures, crafty scammers still find ways to target unsuspecting sellers. Awareness and vigilance are essential in protecting your accounts against seller fraud and maintaining a reputable standing within this intense marketplace.

4 Amazon Seller Scams You Must Be Aware Of

Opportunities abound, but so do challenges. Among these are digital predators aiming to exploit your hard work and dedication. But as the old wisdom goes, “Forewarned is forearmed.” 

Knowledge is your first defense in this cluttered digital bazaar. Let’s unravel the four Amazon scams every seller should be wary of and know how to keep you one step ahead of the tricksters.

1. Failed Delivery Scams

One common deceit in the ecommerce sector is the failed delivery scam. What’s the gist here? Take a look at this:

A buyer purchases an order and waits for its delivery. Once the tracking information indicates that the item has been successfully delivered, the buyer claims they never received it. 

It is a genuine concern on the surface. After all, packages can sometimes be misplaced, damaged, or mailed to the wrong address. But what differentiates real cases from scams is the frequency and pattern. 

Scammers often repeat this tactic across multiple sellers or for high-value items, abusing Amazon’s buyer-centric policies. They’re banking on the retail giant’s tendency to favor the buyer in conflicts, particularly when the tracking indicates a successful delivery.

2. Listing Hijacking Scams

Imagine putting in the effort to create a top-notch product listing, only for someone else to crash in and enjoy the rewards. That's the essence of listing hijacking scams. See this example below:

Hijackers latch onto your listing, offering the product at a cheaper price to lure in unsuspecting buyers. But instead of sending the real product, they dispatch counterfeit or subpar versions.

The real trouble begins when buyers, thinking they've purchased from a legitimate seller (you), receive these inferior products. Disappointed and feeling deceived, they leave negative reviews on the product listing. 

As these negative reviews pile up, the algorithm might push your listing down in search results, making it harder for authentic buyers to find your product. 

3. Fake Review Scams

The allure of quick sales and higher rankings has led other sellers down a misleading path—fake reviews. What should you know about it?

Dishonest sellers flood their products with glowing positive reviews. But behind these comments are fake customers providing manufactured feedback, bought or incentivized to boost the product’s appeal.

The implications of imaginary reviews are vast. For reliable sellers, it means compromised credibility and declining sales. Meanwhile, it’s a minefield of misinformation for buyers. In this game, everyone but the fake seller stands to lose.

4. Phishing Scams

Communication primarily occurs electronically, making phishing scams a real concern for sellers. How does this play out?

Scammers create emails resembling Amazon’s designs, including official-looking logos and authentic-seeming email addresses. These emails often contain messages warning of account issues, upcoming transactions, or tempting offers.

From login credentials to bank account details, the primary aim of these scammers is to entice you into providing sensitive information. Once they have this data, they can freely access your Amazon account, modify product details, change bank information to redirect payments or initiate unauthorized actions.

The 5 Red Flags of Amazon Seller Scams

While teeming with wonderful business opportunities, the digital marketplace also has pitfalls. But with the right info, you can avoid those problems that might trip the unprepared.

Outlined below is your compass to spotting the Amazon red flags:

1. Unusual Email Addresses

Be cautious if the sender’s email looks odd or doesn’t match the platform’s official domain. 

This website might look authorized, but the slight changes in the domain name suggest it’s not from the official Amazon site.

What to remember: Always double-check. When in doubt, reach out to the platform or business directly through their official website or contact methods to verify any communication.

2. Generic Greetings

Authentic communications from reputable platforms you’re associated with will usually address you by your business’s name. It’s a sign they know their users and communicate professionally. 

On the other hand, generic greetings like “Dear Seller,” “Valued Member,” or “Dear User” are broad and non-specific. These are frequently used by scammers who send out bulk emails to catch a few unsuspecting buyers. They might not have specific details about you, so they resort to these catch-all terms.

What to remember: Of course, not every email with a generic greeting is a scam. Still, it’s a clear indicator to proceed with caution.

3. Urgent Action Required

The element of urgency is a classic psychological tactic employed by scammers to cloud judgment and prompt rash actions. These Amazon scammers intend to confuse your normal caution and analytical thinking by creating a sense of immediate danger or potential loss.

Below are phrases designed to instill panic. 

Typical Lines Used by Amazon Scammers

The goal is to make you act impulsively. That means:

  • Providing sensitive information
  • Clicking on a malicious link
  • Making a payment

What to remember: Always maintain composure. Verify the message through official channels before any interaction. 

4. Spelling and Grammar Mistakes

Consistent spelling and grammar mistakes can be another red flag. Typos, awkward phrasing, and incorrect grammar can be more than oversights; they can be deliberate attempts to bypass email filters.

Some spam filters are designed to catch scam emails based on known phrases or patterns. By introducing errors, scammers hope their emails will slip through these filters.

What to remember: A grammatical error can be an initial indicator that a message hasn’t undergone proper review. Be it minor or major, you must scrutinize the text for other signs of unprofessionalism.

5. Mismatched Payment Details

Scammers are skilled in faking or altering payment notifications. They can make you believe you’ve received a payment when you haven’t. Or they can make you act in a way that benefits them. 

What to remember: A true payment notification typically has a detailed transaction breakdown. Be careful if the description is vague or doesn’t match your offered service.

Protect Your Amazon Seller Central Account With These 3 Tips

From digital shopping to web platforms, our personal and financial details form the backbone of countless online interactions. But with this convenience comes vulnerability.

As business owners, it’s our job to ensure the security of our account information. Protection shouldn’t only lurk behind numbers and passwords—it’s all about our identity, privacy, and peace of mind.

Now that you know the red flags, how can you build digital walls for your business? 

1. Use of Strong Passwords

Create a strong password. It can be your favorite character, memorable date, lucky number, or business establishment date.

Personal birthdays or pet names are not an option anymore. Unscrupulous sellers can easily identify it. Don’t forget to update your password from time to time. This way, you can increase the security of your Amazon Seller Central account.

2. Implementing Two-Factor Authentication

Two-factor authentication (2FA) is another important step toward protecting Amazon accounts. It needs a password and a unique code sent to your phone or email.

3. Avoiding Scam Calls

Amazon scam calls are also not surprising anymore. These callers impersonate representatives by asking for customer inquiries until they gradually manipulate the conversation to get sensitive information from you.

Always ask for proof of authenticity. It might also be better if you avoid engaging with unfamiliar contacts. Call Amazon’s customer service to confirm the call history between you and the caller.

How to Respond When You Are Scammed

Falling victim to a scam can be frustrating. The immediate rush of emotions—anger, confusion, regret—can make it difficult to know the next steps.

Your feelings are valid, but it’s important not to make hasty decisions. A well-planned action is the key to preventing further harm to your business. In case you’re scammed, here’s how to respond effectively:

1. Reporting to Amazon

Targeted by multiple accounts? Fraudulent email messages? The first step is to inform Amazon Support about the problem. Share all the details about the scammer and your interaction with them. Amazon takes scamming seriously and will investigate your claim.

2. Keeping Records and Evidence

Gather all records and evidence related to the scam. It can be any of the following:

  • Emails
  • Text Messages
  • Screenshots

Organize your records, as you may need to reference them when dealing with Amazon, your bank, or law enforcement.

3. Contacting Your Bank

Reach out to your bank if your account was compromised during the scam. Explain the situation and provide them with any evidence you have so they can help protect your account from unauthorized transactions. Your bank may provide additional security measures to keep your account against future scams.

Escape The Black Curtain of Amazon With Seller Interactive

Challenges and uncertainties are inevitable. There will always be a “black curtain” that will hinder your growth along the way. Amazon frauds,  for one, create an environment where sellers are vulnerable and constrained from doing the right work. 

But no worries, brand protection is not a distant dream anymore. Seller Interactive can make you confident in finding the path to online success. We can help you freely conduct your plans for your Amazon business without the constant shadow of online scammers looming over your thoughts.
Book a call now!

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